What Is Athlete's Foot?

Athlete's Foot is a very common skin infection of the foot.
It is caused by a fungus and spreads very easily through merely touching the infected skin, walking on contaminated floors, and can be acquired in various locations like swimming pools, nail salons, gyms etc., as well as from contaminated socks, shoes or clothing.
Athlete's foot, in spite of its name, can occur in athletes and non-athletes alike. Click to read on Causes of Athlete's Foot.
Athlete's Foot is an infectious skin disease caused by a fungus called Trichophyton. It is characterized by itchy, red, dry, scaly patches like patches on the skin of webs of toes and soles. There may also be cracks which tend to blister formation and oozing.
What Happens in Athlete's Foot?
- Dry, flaky eruptions
- Reddish, scaly skin that peels easily
- Severe irritation and itching, stinging and burning
- Formation of cracks and blisters that may ooze and bleed easily.
know more about symptoms of ATHLETE'S FOOT
What Can Athlete's Foot Lead To?
Athlete's Foot can sometimes complicate into:
- Spread: Spreading of the lesions from the foot to other parts of the body is the most common complication.
- Infection: Secondary bacterial infection of the lesions of foot resulting in painful cysts or abscesses.
- Onychomycosis: It is the fungal infection of the toenail.
- Cellulitis: It is a bacterial infection of the skin and fat lying under the skin. It is a rare complication.
How Well Homeopathy Works In Athlete's Foot
- There is excellent scope and success rate in Homeopathy for treatment of Athlete's Foot.
- Homeopathic treatment for Athlete's Foot offers a more holistic approach to the treatment of the disease and instead of focusing only on the result of the disease, i.e. the eruptions, concentrates on boosting the immune system of the human being, so that the condition does not occur again.
- Homeopathy is a much safer and better mode of treatment for Athlete's Foot. It does not cause any unwanted side effects.
- Silicea: Excellent remedy for Athlete's Foot wherein feet are icy cold and sweaty. Sweat is very offensive. Soreness is also present.
- Sanicula Aqua: A very useful remedy for Athlete's Foot wherein skin is dirty, greasy and wrinkled. Cracked and fissured feet. Toenails are brittle.
- Graphites: One of the best choices for Athlete's Foot, when the toes have cracks and fissures. Toenails are deformed, sore and painful, thick and black.