Lichen Planus decreased tremendously with Homoeopathy!
Homeopathy is very efficient in managing symptoms of Lichen Planus. There are more than 60 natural, side-effect free medicines available in Homeopathy with an excellent success rate
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We had a patient, 45-years-old female who consulted us for the complaint of Lichen Planus since the past twelve years.

She was so troubled due to her complaints that it led to depression. She had no hopes of recovery and was trying Homoeopathic treatment as her last resort.

The skin was dry and scaly with much burning and itching. There was marked itching and excoriation especially in the folds of the body. The skin was very red in appearance.

Her complaints were worse in warmth especially the warmth of bed aggravated her complaints. She also had aggravation by bathing. Dry weather gave her relief.

Based upon her symptomatology she was prescribed the Homoeopathic remedy Sulphur. She started showing signs of improvement within two weeks of initial medications.

She was much better by the end of 12 months of regular medications; all her skin eruptions were beginning to heal.