• Laryngitis Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic Treatment

The main aim of Homeopathic System is to restore health and provide enough strength and resilience to the body in order to tackle diseases and fight infections.

Homeopathic medicines are known to penetrate at a much deeper level in our body in order to alleviate the disease by restoring the healthy mechanisms in Homeopathic Treatment for Laryngitis.

Laryngitis as an illness is mainly an inflammatory response to the number of factors causing it.

This can be excellently treated with Homeopathy thereby minimizing the intensity of the symptoms, shortening the illness and arresting the disease process.

Homeopathic treatment for laryngitis takes into consideration every single detail about the case apart from the common symptoms of the disease. The method is to individualize each case with their characteristics in Homeopathic treatment for laryngitis. And so, there is no one single remedy to treat laryngitis. According to the differentiating symptoms, remedy is indicated. Some of the wonderful remedies in Homoeopathic Treatment for Laryngitis:

Argentum Metallicum: Symptoms come on insidiously, lingering, but progress further. This remedy is well indicated for public speakers, singers who tend to develop hoarseness of long duration.

There is raw sore feeling when coughing. Total loss of voice in professional singers. Worse from use of voice. Cough from laughing. Cough with easy expectoration which looks like boiled starch. Great weakness of chest, worst left side. Must hem and hawk.

Argentum Nitricum: Chronic Hoarseness. High notes cause cough. Suffocative cough with sensation of a hair in throat. Patient has difficulty in breathing along with a spinter like sensation in throat. Strangulated feeling. Excessive build-up of mucous in smokers. Indicated in singers with too much voice strain. Desire for sweets and fresh open air.

Arum Triphyllum: Good remedy for laryngitis when acridity is the main symptom. Raw and sore feeling at the roof and palate. Hoarseness along with constricted feeling and swollen throat. There is expectoration of much mucus.

Causticum: Laryngitis with slow gradual progress of paralysis of vocal cords. Rawness, soreness and burning are characteristic symptoms of this remedy. Hoarseness with pain in the chest. There is loss of voice. Difficulty of voice of singers and public speakers.

Following are the amazing Remedies indicated Homeopathic treatment for Laryngitis:
3 Acon, 2 Aesc, 3 All-c, 1 Am-br, 1 Am-caust, 1 Am-i, 1 Am-m, 1 Ampe-qu, 2 Ant-c, 1 Ant-s, 1 Ant-t, 2 Apis, 2 Arg-m, 3 Arg-n, 1 Arn, 2 Ars, 1 Ars-i, 1 Arum-d, 1 Arum-t, 1 Atro, 1 Aur, 1 Aur-m, 1 Bals-p, 1 Bar-c, 1 Bar-m, 3 Bell, 1 Beryl, 2 Brom, 1 Bry, 2 Bufo, 1 Calad, 2 Calc, 1 Calc-i, 1 Calc-s, 1 Cann-s, 1 Canth, 1 Caps, 1 Carb-ac, 1 Carb-an, 2 Carb-v, 1 Carbn-s, 2 Caust, 1 Cedr, 2 Cham, 2 Chel, 2 Chin, 2 Chlor, 1 Cina, 1 Cinnb, 1 Cist, 1 Coc-c, 1 Coca, 1 Con, 1 Cot, 2 Crot-c, 2 Crot-h, 1 Cub, 1 Cupr, 2 Dros, 2 Dulc, 1 Eup-per, 1 Euphr, 1 Ferr, 1 Ferr-p, 1 Fl-ac, 3 Gels, 2 Guai, 3 Hep, 1 Hydr-ac, 1 Hyos, 1 Ign, 2 Iod, 2 Ip, 1 Irid, 3 Kali-bi, 1 Kali-br, 1 Kali-c, 1 Kali-chl, 1 Kali-i, 2 Kali-n, 1 Kreos, 2 Lach, 1 Lachn, 2 Led, 1 Lyc, 1 Mag-c, 2 Mang, 1 Menth-pu, 1 Mentho, 2 Merc, 1 Merc-c, 1 Merc-i-f, 1 Merc-i-r, 1 Mez, 1 Morg, 1 Mosch, 2 Naja, 1 Nat-c, 2 Nat-m, 1 Nat-sel, 2 Nit-ac, 2 Nux-v, 1 Ol-j, 1 Osm, 1 Par, 1 Petr, 1 Ph-ac, 3 Phos, 1 Phyt, 2 Puls, 2 Rhus-t, 3 Rumx, 1 Sabad, 2 Samb, 2 Sang, 1 Sanguin-n, 1 Sel, 1 Seneg, 1 Sep, 1 Sil, 1 Silphu, 1 Spig, 2 Spong, 1 Squil, 2 Stann, 1 Staph, 1 Stict, 2 Still, 1 Stram, 1 Sul-i, 2 Sulph, 1 Tab, 1 Thuj, 1 Verat, 1 Verb, 1 Viol-o, 1 Zinc,

3 Acon, 2 Aesc, 3 All-c, 2 Ant-t, 2 Apis, 2 Arg-m, 2 Ars-i, 3 Arum-t, 3 Bell, 2 Brom, 2 Bry, 2 Canth, 2 Carb-v, 3 Caust, 2 Cub, 2 Dros, 3 Dulc, 2 Eup-per, 3 Ferr-p, 2 Guai, 3 Hep, 2 Iod, 2 Ip, 3 Kali-bi, 2 Kali-i, 2 Mentho, 3 Merc, 2 Osm, 3 Phos, 3 Rhus-t, 3 Rumx, 3 Samb, 2 Sang, 3 Spong, 2 Stict, 2 Sulph,