• Meniere's Disease Introduction

Meniere's Disease

Do you feel dizzy quite frequently? Is the world spinning around you? Do you often hear abnormal sounds? Or is there a trouble in your hearing? Well then, you may be having Meniere's Disease.

But don't be disappointed because, the good news is that Homeopathy offers effective medicines in the treatment of this disease. Click to jump to Homeopathic Treatment.

Meniere's disease is a condition which affects the hearing and balance of an individual. It may occur as a result of a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Meniere's Disease doesn't affect an individual only physically; it can affect all the aspects of his life including employment, relationships, sports and social activities.

Consequently, it can undermine a person's mental well-being, his confidence, self-esteem and sense of independence.

Meniere's Disease is one of the common causes of vertigo, affecting approximately 0.2 - 4 % of the world population.
