Grandfather of an 8 months old female, bought her for consultation in June 2011 for an unusual complaint of growth over right sided sub-mandibular area. It was noted a month back during an episode of fever when she had measles, now since a week its more so visible and tender to touch. It was diagnosed to be a sub-mandibular abscess, though FNAC advised by a pediatrician was still pending.
This obstinate baby would whine a lot, on not been taken outside by her parents, which when done would please her the most.
In her family her paternal family had strong history of tuberculosis in the past; while her grandmother died of cancer and her grandfather had thyroid nodule.
Case of this infant was analysed and she was prescribed Calcarea carb and on 8th day the pus filled growth gave way and for once the pus was all out. She was then given Calcarea carb which cured the sub-mandibular abcess a nasty entity completely.
Before Treatment

After Treatment

Thus the grandfather was happy to witness, how the right Homeopathic medicine defied the nasty sub-mandibular abscess of his granddaughter.