A hyperactive child finds his bearings with Homeopathy
Lonely and restless child brought by concerned parents to us to get him treated for ADHD; Homeopathy helps him become focussed, attentive and social
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This is a case of a 9 year old child who was diagnosed with ADHD. Concerned parents had taken all sorts of conventional treatments for him; however, they did not see much change in their child.

He was a very restless and hyperactive child having difficulty to sit or stay at one place for more than a minute. Teachers often complained that he would often get up from his bench and disturb the class. He was very inattentive in studies and could not concentrate even for 5 minutes at a stretch. He disliked reading and writing.

He was dependant on his mother for almost all his activities and could not even button up his shirt without her help. He was a very fearful child and was afraid of dark, dogs etc. He would often play alone in his own world and got angry when other kids were around. He used to get violent and even beat up the kids.

After taking the whole history in addition to the above symptoms, Stramonium was prescribed. The child improved remarkably. He was much more attentive, less hyperactive and had started doing little tasks on his own. He started developing interest in his studies and his grades improved significantly.

Homeopathy had helped this child in only 10 months of the treatment.