A thirty year old uniparous female came with the complaint of pain in left hypochondriac region since 1 year and pain in right lumbar region since 2 years.
Her menstrual history appeared regular lasting for 3 days. Her LMP was 22/8/2011.
Her past history revealed Ectopic pregnancy operated in 2009.
She did her ultrasonography on 25/09/2011 revealing a large left well-defined adnexal bilocular cystic lesion measuring approximately 85 X 56 X 69 mms (Volume: 174.30 cc) having low level dependent internal echoes.
CA - 125 (25/09/2011): 5.00 U/ml(WNL)
When patient was questioned about her disease she started crying severely and said that she is feeling sad and depressed about it. She is very yielding in behavior gets easily offended if somebody scolds her. She is working as an accountant in a company and has lots of friends in the company. She loves going out with them and enjoy with them. She makes friends easily and is very affectionate to them.
She has craving or spicy things and feels better in open air. She feels better by consolation.
Before treatment

After evaluation of her complaints Pulsatilla 30 weekly was prescribed followed by placebo for 1 week.
After 15 days her pain in left hypochondriac region remained the same. Pulsatilla 30 was repeated weekly followed by Colocynth 30 twice daily for 3 weeks.
Menses appeared on 18/10/2011 and were scanty lasting 2 days. Pain in the left hypochondriac region reduced 3- 40%.
Pulsatilla 30 was advised weekly followed by Colocynth 30 twice daily for 2 week.
After a month, pain remained the same. Menses appeared on 18/11/2011.
Finally Pulsatilla 200 was advised weekly followed by Colocynth 30 twice daily for 4 weeks. Patient was advised to repeat Ultrasonography of pelvis.
Menses appeared on 09/01/2012 flow was scanty lasted for 2 days.
Ultrasonography of pelvis was done on 14.01.2012 which revealed decrease in size of left adnexal mass X 39 X 57 mms (Volume: 105 cc).
Earlier it was from 85 X 56 X 69 mms with volume of 174.30 cc. Pulsatilla 200 was advised weekly followed by Colocynth 30 twice daily for 12 weeks on different visits.
The same medication was continued for about 2-3 months and menses appeared on 07/04/2012 flow was scanty, lasted for 2 days.
Ultrasonography of pelvis dated 30.04.2012 revealed complete resolution of left adnexal mass.
The case was declared as well treated and was advised to come for follow-up at regular interval.
After treatment