Homeopathy ensured its efficiency in treatment of allergic asthma.
Complaints of Allergic asthma and haemorrhoids were relieved by homeopathic treatment.
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A 52 year old man came with complaint of allergic asthma. He had severe itching in his nostrils, which initiated itching. It was more aggravated in morning. He had difficulty in breathing better by lying on left side and while sleeping. He had history of asthma in hay season.

He also had complaint of severe headache. He had pain in head whole day. He also had fissures at anus. He was experiencing difficulty in passing motion. He also had painful haemorrhoids. After passing motion, there was severe burning. He had fistulae also.

He had history of goitre in past. His Thyroid Stimulating Hormone was 53.19. His mother had asthma, which was better on lying on left side. His sleep was good. He had itching at night over full body. He had sensation of heat all over his body. His left thigh had ecchymotic spot.

He was given Lachesis after considering all his symptoms. After 2 week, he was little better only. He was then given Tuberculinum and Silicea.

After a month, he was much better. His blood tests were done after 1 month, which showed IgE 167 and TSH 0.349 His sneezing was much better now. His haemorrhoids were better.

Homeopathy achieved superb result in treatment of allergic asthma, thereby left patient fully satisfied and happy.