A 16 years old girl was admitted in a hospital having complaints of pain in abdomen with loss of appetite. Blood investigations revealed Hepatitis C infection, the viral load was high and her liver functions were grossly affected. Treating hepatologist explained her parents about her critical state and the fatal consequences of the disease condition. Anti-viral treatment was started and even after 2 months of treatment, there was no significant improvement seen in the viral load. As she was not responding to the treatment given, it was then her parents switched over to homoeopathy in good faith.
The case of this teen aged girl with Hepatitis C having evident pathological changes. On studying the case thoroughly she commenced her treatment with PHOSPHOROUS 0/1 followed by 0/2 and then 0/3, all potencies dissolved in water for over a period of 4 months. The girl responded well to the treatment with her appetite returning to normal and most importantly the gross changes seen in her blood investigations were back to normal now; the viral load had lowered significantly and was negative.
Investigations before Homoeopathic treatment:
Investigations after Homoeopathic treatment:
Two years have passed and the teen age girl has been in a good state of health since then without having any complaints of relapse of disease. Thus Homoeopathy has successfully helped a teenage girl to live her life well with ease of been healthy again.