Mr. RL 73 year had the following complaints since 1 month:
- Sharp lancinating pain in right hypochondrium and right side of back which is worsened by touch motion while relieved by pressure.
- Pain is associated with a lot of nausea with vomiting of sour water
- Bitter taste in mouth with loose watery stools on and off with weakness.
On physical examination his pulse and blood pressure were normal while he appeared very much icteric and little bit pale. Serum bilirubin levels on been investigated was raised 6.78mg/dl with a direct fraction of 5.70mg/dl.
He had a liking for hot drinks, especially tea, but his appetite had diminished. He had dribbling of urine with increased frequency and yellow in colour. His sleep was disturbed.
Been quite an adjustable and co-operative man, he was satisfied about his life.
He had a history of weak digestion since many years with a habit of drinking alcohol of 10 years but had left since 5 years.
In his family his father expired due to Brain Hemorrhage and mother expired due to old age.
Considering his presentation he was prescribed Chelidonium 30, and his few days his stool frequency got normal but his right hypochondriac pain was still present. His serum bilirubin levels in about 2-3 weeks came down to 1.58mg/dl. Thereafter he has had no complaints with absolutely normal investigation reports with continued Homeopathic treatment.
Thus a man who had quit alcohol was still disposed to Serum Hepatitis, but Homeopathic medicines disposed off his malady to relieve him.