Long-standing Chronic laryngitis relieved in a middle-aged woman!
A zealous female, lawyer by profession was unwell due to hoarseness of voice. Her job demands a good command over voice, nothing gave her relief but homeopathy aided her very effectively.
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This female consulted us for a complaint of long-standing hoarseness of voice with dry cough and occasional bouts of aphonia (absence of voice) since past eight years.

She was a lawyer by profession and said that all this gave a lot of trouble to her. She was unable to speak for a long time as talking excited cough.

She described that she had a continuous raw feeling in the throat, which was worse on coughing. She added that every morning she had a lot of expectoration consisting of jelly-like mucus.

She had a feeling of a raw spot in the middle of the chest. The cough came even while laughing and was worse in the afternoon.

She was prescribed the Homoeopathic remedy Argentum Metallicum. Her cough decreased by 50% within 4 weeks of medication. The hoarseness of voice reduced gradually over six months.