40yrs old woman having multitude of co morbidities like:
- Renal calculi since 10 years.
- Cervical Spondylosis for 8 years, with radiating pains to the shoulders and arms especially on the right side
- Complained of itching and pain at the root of nose and morning sneezing and frequent headache usually right sided relieved by sleeping in a dark room. She was diagnosed with sinusitis and nasal polyp 5 years back
- She also has acidity for the last 5 years
- She is a known case of Hypertension and hypothyroidism since 3years.
Her chief complaint was of dysmenorrhea since 3 years, wherein she complained of severe lower abdominal pain before and during menses with regular cycles, but scanty flow for first three days, which increased from the fourth day with clots present. Her USG pelvis confirmed the diagnosis of Endometrial polyps and Ovarian cyst.
She was intolerant of hot weather with lot of perspiration on head. Her tongue had bluish, imprints of teeth. She is sensitive to smells with strong aversion to tobacco smoke. She has liking for spicy food.
18 yrs of married life had some stressing factors, which caused a feeling of fear and grief. Grief was also due to father’s death about 8 years back. She is an anxious, irritable, sympathetic female with a tendency to do things hurriedly. Her memory was poor.
In the past she had tendency to recurrent Urinary tract infections; and since childhood she has had many history of injuries of various types.
Family history of illnesses consist of Father having Brain tumor; Brother has Hypothyroidism and Hypertension; while mother has Diabetes Mellitus
Proper analysis of her case details lead to the prescription of Sanguinaria and with continued follow up for about 1year, her complaints improved steadily as she was given the same medicine with increasing potencies upto LM 15
Before the treatment:

After the treatment:

Thus homoeopathy reconciles the hormonal balance in this lady with ovarian cyst to heal her.