On completing her 10th boards this 16 yrs old girl started with college having reputed IIT-JEE coaching as per her parent's wish; against her earnest desire to become a doctor. She was undergoing a constant stress caused by these conflicting aspirations of her and her parents. Besides college schedule was hectic too. As a result she used to dislike going to college.
Though she had accepted her parent's aspirations, deep down inside her dwelled an intense sense of disappointment and guilt. She kept on brooding over this state and kept it well under the veil, so that her parents are not hurt. This turmoil inside was expressed in the form of irregular menses, weight gain and unwanted facial hair growth.
Homeopathic treatment was started to bring back the harmonious rhythm for the hormonal imbalance. She was prescribed with IGNATIA 1M, followed by Rubrum30. With medicines dietary and exercise regimens was given to follow; she was also advised for career guidance to dissolve her dilemma of being an engineer or doctor.
After a week of commence of her treatment, she got her menses and from there on they were fairly regular 5-6d/35-40d. After about four cycles, she was given a dose of TUBERCULINUM 1M- followed by Nihilinum 200. This made her menses more regular 5d/29-30d.
USG reports before the treatment:

USG reports after the treatment:

She lost those extra pounds too and has completed her software engineering with a good placement.
Homeopathy played the right rhythm for this teenager to get rid of the chaos inside and get back the harmony.