A housewife visits a homoeopath, complaining of pustular eruptions over the arms, legs, abdomen and her back. Due to the pus discharging eruptions, her body emitted a foul fishy odor. These extensive lesions have been a perturbing complaint since six years, for which she was under conventional lines of treatment under a dermatologist and which temporarily alleviated her complaints.
This housewife to a primary school teacher was quite an irritable lady, who would be annoyed on every small thing. She would hit children for each of their mistakes. She would not endure any kind of noise and desired silent atmosphere. She disliked her husband and blamed him for her state of illness.
She had history of uterine fibroids and underwent a hysterectomy last year.
On carefully examining the case details, she was given Sepia 200. And to alleviate the stress of this housewife, within 15 days of treatment, her pustular eruptions all over the body desiccated with no pus discharge.
Before the treatment
After the treatment
After about a month this housewife was completely healed of pustular psoriasis with regular Homeopathic treatment which effectively dealt with her mundane stresses to heal her.