A 47 year old, home tutor by profession had chief complaints of increased menstrual flow since last 4-5 months. Periods would last for almost 7-8 days and were heavy and clotted. There was moderate pain as well. She was diagnosed with uterine fibroids on ultrasonography.
This patient also had other complaints of right heel pain causing a limping gait. Her appetite, thirst, sleep and eliminations were all normal except for occasional constipation. She had a past history of piles too.
She was a friendly person, in general, but she would get angry and irritated very easily and could not control her emotions. Physically, she was slightly overweight, fair and flabby.
Based on her history, she was prescribed Calc Carb. The medicine showed results in the next cycle itself and her menses were normal. Bleeding was moderate. The medicines were continued for almost a year and all her cycles were normal by then.