A twenty nine year old male came with pain in throat with hoarseness of voice and difficulty in speaking after overuse of voice. His complaints aggravated by exposure to draft of cold air and taking cold thing for the last 1 year.
He also had an associated complaint of recurrent episodes of sneezing, rhinorrhoea, sore throat and mild dyspnoea on exertion on and off aggravated by change of weather and exposure to dust for the last 3 years.
He had a past history of Tinea Cruris which was cured by applying Betnovate C and Quadriderm ointment.
He visited several doctors who prescribed him different medicines. He was advised to undergo laryngoscopy on (05/04/2011) which revealed polyp in right vocal cord.
Patient is chilly (Very sensitive to cold). He narrated that he is extremely fastidious person. He is working in a small company where he has lots of friends. In his work he is very perfect and organized. He is extremely sensitive to cold food and drinks and cold air.
Before treatment

Blood investigated suggested - (26/02/2012)
Hb% - 13.8; TLC - 8100; DLC - N/73, L/21, E/5, M/1; ESR - 14/8; AEC - 405
After studying the whole case Arsenicum album 30 weekly was prescribed followed by Placebo for 2 weeks.
After 2 weeks his complaint of sneezing, rhinorrhoea and dyspnoea reduced but throat pain with hoarseness of voice and difficulty in speaking increased. Patient had pyrexia. He was advised Antibiotics by ENT Surgeon but he didn't want to take it. Hence Belladonna 30 was prescribed 4 hourly.
After a week gradually his throat pain, hoarseness of voice and fever reduced. Arsenicum album 30 weekly was repeated followed by Belladonna 30 BD for couple of weeks on different visits.
Gradually his speech started improving and throat pain was better. Patient was clinically much better. Laryngoscopy was repeated on date June 7, 2012 which did not show any polyp and was normal.