• Parkinson's Disease Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • 1 I am suffering from Parkinson's disease since last 15 years & I am currently undergoing treatment for the same. Right now my condition is quite stable, but I am looking out for something natural and without side effects. Can I start Homeopathy? And if I start Homeopathic Treatment, do I need to discontinue my medicines?

    You can start Homeopathic treatment, no matter since how many years you are suffering from or taking medicines. HOMEOPATHIC medicines start acting on the body immediately on starting the treatment. But since you have been taking allopathic medicines for a long time now, it is not advisable to stop them right away.

    On stopping the allopathic medicines, it is possible that the disease returns with a higher intensity. Along with parallel homeopathic treatment, you can gradually taper off your doses of the medicine under the guidance of your expert HOMEOPATHIC physician. Eventually, you can discontinue your allopathic medicines.

  • 2 I am a 65 year old, diagnosed with Parkinson's disease 6 years back. What things should I take care of? Are there any general guidelines to be followed in Parkinson's disease?

    These are some points that should be considered:


    • It is very essential to have a healthy diet. Maintaining a healthy weight is very important.
    • Exercise regularly. They help to improve muscle strength, balance and flexibility.
    • Make sure you take your medicines on time.
    • Plan your move well ahead of actually doing it. It is an exercise where you can visualize yourself doing that activity you want to perform. This exercise actually helps as it will be easier for you to do the tasks when you have already visualized.
    • It sounds difficult, but a positive attitude, a strong will and determination will definitely help to cope up with Parkinson's disease.
    • Use a walking stick if required.


    • Don't be hard on yourself or your circumstances; it will just worsen your condition.
    • Don't blame God or destiny or anyone even yourself.
    • Do not assume you cannot do things you want to.
    • Don't isolate yourself. You can get involved in social activities and communicate with people.
    • Do not take conventional anti-nauseating medications. They can block the body's dopamine receptors.

  • 3 Is Parkinson's disease preventable?

    Since the causative factor is unknown, Parkinson's disease cannot be entirely prevented from happening. It can happen to anyone at any time. Early diagnosis and treatment can help in treating the condition better.

  • 4 Is there any particular diet that needs to be followed in Parkinson's disease?

    There is no particular diet that needs to be followed in cases of Parkinson's disease.

    • However it is better to avoid dairy products, sugar and gluten-rich diet like wheat, refined flour etc.
    • Fresh vegetables, fruits and salads provide enough vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants which are good for the brain.
    • High fiber diet like whole grains, oats etc should be taken to avoid constipation.
    • As dopamine is an amino acid, high protein diet should be taken. High protein diet includes
    • Dairy products - milk, yoghurt, ice cream, cheese
    • Egg whites
    • Legumes - kidney beans, lima beans, lentils, soya beans
    • Nuts of any kind, including peanut butter

    Flavonoids - Adult males who regularly eat foods rich in flavonoids appear to have a considerably lower risk of developing Parkinson's disease, compared to others who do not, researchers in the USA and UK reported in the journal Neurology. Examples of foods include berries, apples, some vegetables, tea and red wine.

  • 5 What happens if the Homeopathic treatment is discontinued?

    To get the best results and to make sure the disease does not relapse, homeopathic treatment should be undertaken for its required course advised by your doctor. However, under circumstances where homeopathy may have to be discontinued, do not worry of any unwanted side effects and the disease will not intensify. But of course, relapses are possible, which is true regardless of any medicine. But with Homeopathy, the intensity of these relapses will be very less and infrequent.

  • 6 How does homeopathy work in Parkinson's disease?

    HOMEOPATHY works on the individual in the most natural way. By acting upon all the aspects, which is mind, body and spirit it restores the life force of the body. Perfectly chosen HOMEOPATHIC medicines help to reduce the trembling of extremities, stiffness of muscles, weakness of muscles and many other symptoms. Homeopathy helps to provide a happy, healthy, constructive, and productive & an independent life and it will also help in treating your anxiety or depression resulting from the disease. Homeopathy treats holistically in a very subtle, safe way and removes the disease right from its roots.

  • 7 Aren't there any safer and permanent ways to deal with Parkinson's disease?

    First of all, one needs to be realistic about Parkinson's disease. While it can be treated, chances of relapses are definitely possible. But since medicines will be required for a very long time, Homeopathy is definitely a much safer and a better option. Homeopathic medicines do not produce any major, troubling side effects. Homeopathy helps to treat the root cause of the disease along with the symptoms as well.

    HOMEOPATHY is a system of medicine which treats the disease in the gentlest way and it makes sure that the immunity of the patient is strengthened. With homeopathic medicines, the intensity, duration and frequency of the symptoms definitely reduce a lot.

    We have hundreds of medicines that work in Parkinson's disease. HOMEOPATHIC medicines like Belladonna, Agaricus, Gelsemium, Hyosyamus, and Lolium Temulentum etc. are very effective in PARKINSON'S DISEASE.

  • 8 Will he needs to take medicines for the rest of his life?

    Conventional line of treatment prescribes only on the basis of symptoms and hence, so long as the symptoms occur, medicines need to be continued.It is also seen that with every dose the response becomes slower and hence the condition only keeps worsening.

  • 9 My 71 year old father has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease a year back. Medicines have been prescribed & he is currently on medication. What else can we do about it apart from medicines?

    Along with medical treatment, adjunct therapies are helpful too. These therapies include:

    • Physiotherapy: A physiotherapist can teach you exercises to improve your movements and strengthen your muscles.
    • Occupational Therapy: An occupational therapist can teach you perform your routine activities like self-care, fun activities, household chores and work.
    • Speech Therapy: A speech therapist helps you cope up with your speech difficulties

  • 10 Can Parkinson's disease be treated?

    There is no cure available for Parkinson's disease. However, treatments include:

    • MEDICATIONS: The medical treatment for Parkinson's disease generally includes the use of following drugs:
    • Levodopa which gets converted into dopamine (side effects include shortened response with each dose, painful cramps and involuntary movements)
    • Carbidopa which prevents its breakdown before it reaches the brain
    • Dopamine agonists which mimic the action of dopamine
    • MAO-B Inhibitors prevent breakdown of dopamine (side effects include swelling caused by fluid accumulation in body tissues, drowsiness, constipation, dizziness, hallucinations, and nausea.
    • SURGERY: In very advanced cases of Parkinson's disease, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), a surgical technique is used. Here the electrodes are implanted to stimulate the areas of brain which produce movements.

  • 11 Are there any possible Risk factors that may lead to parkinson's disease?

    As the exact cause of Parkinson's disease is not known, certain factors seem to increase the risk of developing or triggering it:

    • Family history of Parkinson's disease
    • Head trauma, illnesses, exposure to toxins
    • Age Group- Most people who develop Parkinson's disease are mostly above 60 years. However, even young groups may be affected, although it is very rare.
    • Sex: A male has a 50% higher risk of developing Parkinson's disease than a female.

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