Parkinson's disease is a condition of the nervous system marked by progressive damage to the brain over a period of many years.
Parkinson's disease is marked by certain characteristic symptoms like:
- Tremors/trembling
- Rigidity or stiffness
- Slow movements
- Imbalance and in-coordination
Parkinson's disease becomes commoner as age advances especially after the age of 65 years; however even people below 40 years have been known to have Parkinson's (although very rare).
It is seen more commonly in men than in women.
Parkinson's disease is the second most common cause of neurodegenerative diseases, first being Alzheimer's disease.
Click to read Causes of Parkinson's Disease.
Having Parkinson's disease can be a big emotional setback to you or your loved ones. You may feel you have lost control over things and that your body is not obeying your commands. Parkinson's disease can probably make you too dependent on others and you might start feeling that life doesn't hold any purpose anymore.
But it is always wise to accept the condition first, because acceptance leads to the next step- finding the solution! And Homeopathy is a wonderful solution for this condition.
Homeopathy can help you get back the life that you love to live and do the things you want to do.
Click link for Homeopathic Treatment
Quick Look
- Tremors/trembling of arms, hands, legs, jaw or face
- Stiffness or rigidity of the limbs or trunk limiting the range of movements
- Bradykinesia or slowed movements
- Difficulties with balance and coordination with unstable posture
- Inability to express with gestures, due to loss of automatic movements like blinking, smiling, etc.
- Disorganized speech like slow or slurred speech
- Psychologically, it may lead cause frustration, anxiety, depression, etc.
Click to know more about Symptoms of Parkinson's disease
If not treated, Parkinson's disease can cause a major impact on the emotions, behavior and overall health of the patient and lead to:
- Difficulties in swallowing
- Insomnia or difficulty falling asleep
- Increased frequency of urination, urgency and constipation
- Decrease in blood pressure
- Generalized body pains and fatigue
- Sexual disturbances
- Difficulties in thought process and emotions
- Homeopathy is an excellent choice of medicine for all types of movement-related disorders and neurodegenerative disorders. It gives plausible results in Parkinson's disease.
- Homeopathy takes into consideration a complete detailed history of the patient, thereby helping to find out every essence about the disease, its cause and effect on the patient physically and emotionally.
- Homeopathic Treatment for Parkinson's disease eases movements, reduces stiffness and supports the body well enough to perform daily activities.
- It is an absolutely safe and much better mode of treatment, especially in neurodegenerative cases, where treatment needs to be done with caution. The medicines do not cause any unwanted side effects; on the other hand, they make the life of the patient easy, more manageable and enjoyable.
Few of our amazing remedies include:
- Rhus Tox: Tremors start with pain which is relieved by motion. Crawling and tingling sensation in the tips of fingers. Worse during sleep, cold, wet rainy weather and after rain, night, during rest, drenching and when lying on back or right side.
- Argentum Nitricum: Inco-ordination, loss of control and imbalance with trembling and general debility. There is rigidity of calves, unsteady gait and numbness of body, especially of the arms. Memory is impaired; patient is easily excited and angered.
- Conium: Extremities are heavy, weak and tired. There is trembling and unsteadiness of hands. Muscular weakness especially of lower extremities. Patient is worse by lying down, turning or rising in bed, cold, exertion.
- Agaricus Muscarius: Jerking, twitching, trembling and itching are strong indications of this medicine. There is stiffness of extremities and unsteady gait. Patient is worse in the cold weather and better by moving about slowly.