A Remarkable Case of Allergy Successfully Treated with Homeopathy
This is the case of a middle-aged woman who suffered from general allergic reactions of a severe variety. With Homeopathy, her complaints went down and her blood reports were proof of her recovery.
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A 51 year old lady consulted with complaints related to severe allergies.

We advised her to undergo a blood test to check her serum IgE levels. The results were a massive 1411.4 lu/ml.

A detailed case taking later and taking into account all her investigative findings, the homeopathic remedy Natrum Sulphuricum was prescribed to the patient.

Gradually, she began to improve in her hypersensitive reactions. A year later, her serum IgE levels showed drastic reduction, proving that her allergic tendencies were coming into control.

Before Treatment

Case of Allergy

After Treatment:

Case of Allergy