Allergies are the response from the immune system or the defence system which reacts to substances such as dust, pollen, mites, and some eatables. These substances does not cause any harm in most of the people. But few react to it in an abnormal way when exposed to. The reaction is called an allergic reaction. The substances which cause or trigger such reactions are called as Allergens.

Some of the common allergens are:
- dust,
- pollen,
- animal dander,
- mould,
- insect bites
- certain medicines
- latex
- food items like peanuts, soy, sea foods,eggs,berries.
For most of the people these substances can be totally harmless, but they can be severely dangerous or even life threatening for a few. Family history of allergy is very important factor in determining risk of developing Allergies. Symptoms can range from very mild to moderate to very severe or even fatal. Anaphylaxis is the most severe complication of allergies.
Allergens affect nose, eyes, airways, skin and digestive system in form of sneezing, watery eyes, coughing, rashes, stomach pain, nausea and diarrhea.
Quick Look
- Sneezing, runny nose, coughing
- Difficult breathing
- Itchy nose, skin and eyes
- Redness of eyes
- Rashes all over the body
- Pain in stomach
- Diarrhoea
- Vomiting
- Itching
- Hives
Click to know more about Symptoms of ALLERGIES
- Allergies can turn your routine life upside down. It can make some routine activities difficult for you which are normal for others.
- Constant fear of triggering allergy symptoms can stop you from enjoying life.
- Allergies are a significant cause of being absent from school or work. It can trouble you throughout the year or even in some specific time of year.
- Unless treated it can also prove to be life threatening. In anaphylactic reaction, unless immediate medical attention is received it can cause shock, coma or even death. Multiple organs are involved in anaphylactic reaction and it can be fatal.
- Some people may get over their allergies with time but allergies can also persist for life time
Hence every case of Allergies must be provided with immediate medical attention to prevent grave consequences. Allergies if not treated well can lead to recurrences too.
Allergies are due to altered immune system which thinks that few substances are harmful. Homeopathy stimulates the body's immune system to cope with the exposure to the allergens. Homeopathy reduces the intensity and severity of allergies and over the period of time there is no need to worry about any allergic reaction.
- Homeopathy is very efficient in managing symptoms of Allergies and has an excellent success rate. It is very gentle and effective system of medicine.
- In allergy, defence system of body reacts to harmless and common substance by mistake. Homeopathy corrects this internally by its constitutional & holistic approach.
- Homeopathic medicines are safe, gentle, side effect free and do not suppress the symptoms but treat the root cause.
- Homeopathy stimulates body's healing capacities and strengthens immunity. It gives a start to your own healing system for proper recovery from any disease condition.
- Homeopathy treats acute and chronic cases of Allergies very effectively and also helps in preventing relapse of the condition.
- Homeopathic Treatment For Allergies has more than 200 natural, side-effect free remedies in its medicine bank for the treatment of this condition.
Few of our amazing remedies include:
- ARS ALB: Very effective remedy for Allergies with intense restlessness and anxiety. Hay fever with thin, watery, excoriating discharge. Nose feels clogged, sneezing without relief. Cold symptoms worse in open air and better indoor.
- NUX VOMICA: One of the wonderful remedies for Allergies with oversensitivity from strong odours. Violent sneezing with watery discharge from one nostril. Nasal discharge during day time only but there is congestion at night.
- WYETHIA: Excellent remedy for pricking dry sensation in throat with dry hacking cough due to allergic reactions. Constant desire to swallow saliva to relieve dryness of throat.
- SABADILLA: Great remedy for persistent and violent sneezing. Fluent allergic reaction with sneezing from smell of flowers. Cannot stand smell of garlic. Stubborn cold which refuses to go away.
- NATRUM MURIATICUM: Superlative remedy for allergic reactions. Excessive tearing from eyes with redness, burning and acridity. Violent & fluent cold with nose clogging and difficult breathing. Sneezing in early morning.
- ARUM TRIPHYLLUM: Good remedy for acrid, excoriating discharge which makes the nose raw. Nose is obstructed and patient constantly picks the nose until it bleeds. Blood streaked watery discharge from nose.