A staff nurse aged 44 years came for consultation of Lichen Planus. She was very upset with treatment she had received till date. She had eruptions, blackish discolouration of skin with thick scabs in patches on upper and lower extremity since 6 to 7 years. She was diagnosed a case of Lichen Planus.

Image: Before Treatment.

Image: Before Treatment.
There was dry, hard, unhealthy look of skin, itching, scratching, some time bleeding too, which was worse by warmth. She felt better even washing with simple water. Also she used to apply some lotions and ointment with temporary relief.
She was a lady with fair complexion, slightly obese, active, but little hesitant and timid due to skin disease with low confidence. Since she was in medical profession every one asked about her skin pigmentation, dark look of skin that disturbed her lot.
She prepared her mind for disease but cosmetic point of view it troubled her. She was very keen to have solution for this.
Based on all her symptoms and constitution, she was given Graphites. She was still under treatment with a great improvement especially cosmetic point of view. Her forearms and face were now 80% clean and skin pigmentation also reduced. There was no appearance of new eruption or itching.
With holistic treatment under homeopathy, chronic disease like Lichen Planus also showed improvement. Thus, wholesome treatment of a person under homeopathy can show unbelievable results.
Image: After Treatment.