32 years old, male, an engineer by profession reported for treatment from Greece. He was diagnosed with Cirrhosis of Liver. The patient was treated by a very leading physician from Greece without much of relief.
During the history, wife said a very important thing that although he was in such a bad shape, he had a tremendous desire to go to work. It was very unusual for a person who was very bad pathologically and physically.
The mind was still playing a stronger role than the body and pathology. Patient has tremendous desire for sweets, easy satiety and even a little food would cause distension of the abdomen.
Patient was prescribed Lycopodium 200. Within 1 month, patient started feeling much better.
At the end of 6 weeks, he was able to go for work. The improvement continued. At the end of 6 months, all the reports were normal. Ultrasonography showed that there was no pathology in the liver as compared to previous one.
Just 12 doses of Lycopodium in a span of 6 months, brought the patients pathology to normal. Look at the depth of action of homeopathic medicine.