Renowned Homeopathic Physician practicing since more than 30 years. Successfully treated many cases of Bronchial Asthma and Autism.

Short Profile
- Dr. Jawahar Shah, founder of Mind Technologies, is a pioneer when it comes to connecting health with technology.
- He is an academician, highly successful homeopathic clinician, a passionate technocrat and an efficient organizer.
- A Homeopath by training, he lives and works in Mumbai, where he has been running a busy Homoeopathic practice for over 36 years.
- He was a Member of the Central Council of Homoeopathy, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.
- He was also a Member of the Education committee which decides the policies governing education and manages 181 institutions and 31 Post graduation colleges.
- He has been the Director of Research at the Dr. Subodh Mehta Medical Centre, Mumbai since 1980 and is also the Director of the Child Guidance Clinic.
Long Profile
Homeopathic Physician
Dr. Shah has cured many patients purely with Classical Homoeopathic approach in the last 36 years of his practice. He specializes in the treatment of Bronchial Asthma, Behavioral and Psychiatric problems of children and Management of Cancer patients.
He has lectured at more than 500 Seminars in 22 countries in the last 30 years and is a contributor to various National and International Scientific Journals in the form of articles and research papers.
Dr. Shah has been associated with the setting up of various Educational institutions in the country and abroad, most notably Hahnemann College of Homeopathy in London that offers a Post-Graduate course in Homeopathy.
He further believes that one should keep on updating their knowledge and learning irrespective of age. Dr. Shah is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Drug Proving. Even today, in spite of garnering immense knowledge and expertise, his thirst for learning continues.
Achievements and Awards
He has won acclaim nationally as well as internationally for his contributions to the field of Homeopathy:
- 16th June, 2012 was a benchmark date for Dr. Jawahar Shah and Mind Technologies. Dr. Shah became the proud recipient of the Medscapeindia Award for the year 2012 for exemplary service in the field of homeopathy.
- Dr. Jawahar Shah, on behalf of Mind Technologies received the award for this project in the category of 'Best Public Private Partnership Initiative' at the eWorld Jury Choice Awards, August 2011.
- Winner of Dag Hammarskjold International Award for Alternative Medicine 1989, Switzerland
- Invited as guest speaker by the European Council of Classical Homeopathy (ECCH) at St. Gallen, Switzerland, May 2001
- Exemplary Service award in Homoeopathy at the International Homoeopathy Conference (8 - 9 Feb, 2003)
- Homoeopathic doctors of Maharashtra award for excellent and unmatched contribution to the Homoeopathic world, October 2003
- 'Homoeopaths Of The Millennium' Award Presented to Dr. Jawahar Shah by the N. I. H., Ex-Students Association.
- Awarded for excellence in Homoeopathy by:
- The Director, Homoeopathy & Indian system of medicine
- Deputy Director, Homoeopathy & Indian system of medicine
- The President, Registration Council of Homoeopathic system of medicine
- Homoeopathic Medical Association of India on occasion of 250th birth anniversary of Hahnemann (founder of Homoeopathy) Govt. of Gujarat, India in April 2005.
- Dr. Nigam's award for excellence in Homoeopathic world awarded in April 2005
- Awarded for unparalleled contribution to Homoeopathy and Homoeopathic software development - Shri Rajarshi Chatrapati Shahu Memorial Homoeopathic conference, Kolhapur, June 2005
- 'Star Award in Homeopathy for Outstanding performance in the Field Of Homeopathy' presented to Dr. Jawahar Shah by the Pioneer University, PHAU, Oxford, UK and Century Training Centre for Homeopathic Medical Sciences, Dubai, U. A. E. at the International Homeopathy Conference 2006.
- Homoeo Chikitsa Ratna Award presented to Dr. Jawahar Shah by Homoeopathic Medical Association Of India, Indore branch for valuable services and contribution for the spread of Homoeopathy.(Written in Hindi)
Dr. Shah has been actively organizing Seminars for the Homoeopathic Fraternity, featuring prominent homoeopathic physicians and clinicians. He has organized more than 40 seminars, ranging from a delegate-strength of 3000 to 100.
Dr. Shah, with incredible foresight and vision, created and developed a path breaking software called Hompath. It is currently India's "No. 1" Homoeopathic software and one of the major software in 88 countries across the globe with a user base of more than 33,000 doctors.
Hompath WildFire, the latest version, is estimated to hold the world's largest database, with more than 1000 books and other added features in it.
He has also made the homoeopathic world a smaller place by creating an online community www.homeopathycommunity.com, and effectively worked towards converging communication between homoeopaths all over the world. In his last 36 years of association with Homoeopathy, Dr. Shah has played and continues to play a major role in the development of the future of Homoeopathy in various capacities. He is, in the true sense, a global Indian.