Homeopathy ensured jaw dropping results in Migraine!
A lady nurse was relieved of her migraine and associated complaints so fast that she was astonished with supremacy of homeopathy.
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A married lady of 28 year age came with complaint of left sided migraine since 1 year. It was sometimes bursting or pulsating in character with nausea and vomiting and increased with heat. It was better by vomiting and taking medicines. Her mother also had migraine.

She was tall with stoop shoulders, fair complexioned, and had thin black hair. She desired sweet things and hated bitter gourd. Also she had constipation. She liked cold weather. She had habit of talking in sleep and had dreams of cockroach. She was egoistic and never forgive people. She was a nurse and was teaching nursing currently. It irritated her if her work was pending. She never expressed her anger and was sensitive. She liked to be in company of friends and was very cheerful of water.

She was given Sulphur 200 based on her symptoms. Within a fortnight there was huge relief in her headaches. Nausea and vomiting were also improved. She was greatly satisfied with homeopathic treatment.