• ADHD Diagnosis and Tests

Diagnosis and Tests

ADHD is predominantly a clinical diagnosis made by the experienced physician.


  • It serves well to remember not to be hurried while labeling a child as being ADHD-afflicted.
  • Every child is, to a certain extent hyperactive, impulsive and easily distracted.
  • This definitely does not mean that he has ADHD. Had this been the case, 95% of children would be ADHD-afflicted!
  • ADHD is diagnosed only if the inattentiveness, impulsivity and hyperactivity are so severe as to cause a marked hindrance in the daily routine of the child.
  • To diagnose ADHD, the symptoms or problems must have appeared by the age of 6 to 12 and occur in more than one place like at home and at school or work.
  • The signs must be not appropriate for a child of that age but work-related issues are to be considered.

To Be Remembered

Children with the Inattention subtype are less likely to act out or have difficulties getting along with other children. They may sit quietly, but without paying attention, resulting in the child's difficulties being overlooked.

Laboratory Tests

Sometimes, a few tests may be recommended. They do not directly confirm a diagnosis of ADHD, but help to point to the probable cause.

  • Amino Acid Analysis - Amino acids form brain neurotransmitters and may play a role in certain cases of ADHD.
  • Food Allergy Testing- Many research studies have linked artificial food colors amongst the causes of ADHD.
  • Toxic Metal Hair Analysis- Certain heavy metals such as lead affect the developing nervous system of brain and can trigger hyperactivity and attention deficit
  • Essential Fatty Acid Analysis - Research has linked deficiencies in essential fatty acids like omega 3 fatty acids which help in brain development, to the possibility of ADHD.