• Benign Enlargement of Prostate (BEP) Introduction


Are you an old man having urinary symptoms, such as not being able hold the urge to urinate?

Do you have to strain for urinating?

Do you wake up frequently in the night for urination?

Then you may probably be suffering from a very common condition called Benign Enlargement of Prostate, or simply put, BEP.

BEP is a very common problem of old aged males and is caused by altered levels of male hormones leading to non-cancerous overgrowth of prostate gland. It is diagnosed by a set of urinary symptoms caused secondarily by overgrowth of prostate gland, obstructing the flow of urine from the bladder to the urethra. BEP can be present symptomatically or asymptomatically, in males after the age of 40 years and is almost always present in males above 80 years.

The great news is that Homeopathy has some wonderful remedies to treat this troublesome condition.
