The manifestations of Eczema differ depending on the type of the disease, though itching, redness and inflammation of the affected area are common to all types.
Eczema most commonly manifests on the wrist, face, knees, ankles and elbows.
Depending on the precipitating factors, there are various types of Eczema that have been described:
Atopic Eczema
- The term Atopic in Greek means "strange".
- It is an inherited kind of eczema where the patient is hypersensitive to many various substances.
- Itching is intense and intolerable.
- The skin is extremely dry and can break down and ooze.
Seborrhoeic Eczema
- Mainly affects areas rich in sweat and sebaceous glands, including scalp, face, nasolabial folds and torso.
- Yellowish or white scales along with red rash characterise this condition.
Diaper Eczema
- Also called Napkin Dermatitis, it is mainly seen in babies and those adults who wear adult diapers due to incontinence problems.
- Occurs due to irritation by urine and stool coupled with the presence of moisture and warmth inside the diaper.
Contact Eczema
- Occurs when the skin comes in contact with a foreign substance that either induces an allergy or acts as a local irritant.
- When allergy to a substance causes eczema, it is called Allergic Contact Eczema, as can occur to nickel-plated jewellery, chromium-containing cosmetics, certain sunscreen lotions, topical steroids, perfumes, etc.
- When eczema occurs as a result of an irritant substance, it is called Irritant Contact Eczema. This type usually occurs after contact with detergents, strong soaps, acetone, kerosene, etc.
- Also called Lichen Simplex Chronicus.
- Typically presents with a chronic itch-scratch cycle.
- Characterized by thick, leathery, brownish area of affected skin
Exfoliative Eczema
- Also called the "Red Man Syndrome" or "Erythroderma", it is a type as well as complication of other types of Eczema.
- It results in universal scaling of the skin with intense redness, and usually occurs in presence of another skin disease such as another type of Eczema, and even in cases of Psoriasis and Leukemia.