Nephrotic Syndrome is a disorder of the kidneys which consists of various characteristic signs such as:
- Proteinuria: Excess of protein in urine more than 3.5 grams per day
- Hypoalbuminemia: Decreased level of protein in the blood especially albumin
- Edema: Excessive swelling all over the body, especially feet,ankle and face
It is also associated with other signs like high blood pressure and increased level of lipids in the blood (hyperlipidaemia) and passing blood mixed with urine (hematuria).
What happens in Nephrotic Syndrome?
In Nephrotic Syndrome, the tuft (network) of microscopic vascular structure (composed of capillaries) called as glomeruli are affected by inflammation. Glomeruli are responsible for the first step of filtration of the blood.
Due to inflammation, the normal filtration of blood is affected, and so proteins like albumin, antithrombin and immunoglobulins pass through the filtration membrane and appear in urine.
As albumin is a major protein in the blood that prevents fluid leakage in the body. However, due to loss of albumin in urine, leakage of fluid from blood vessels results and edema appears.
As a response to this loss, a compensatory mechanism is undertaken by the liver to produce certain lipoproteins, causing hyperlipidemia- increased lipid level in the blood.
Homeopathy offers significant relief with the help of dynamized remedies and combats Nephrotic Syndrome effectively, especially in children. It strives to eradicate the disease from its roots and helps prevent relapses of Nephrotic Syndrome.