She Came For Migraine Treatment And We Treated Her Depression Too!
Mrs. M. was brought by her husband for treatment of Migraine of 25 years' standing. She also had terrible moodswings and had been diagnosed with Clinical Depression. We took her detailed case history and not only took care of her Migraine, but also got her free from the clutches of Depression.
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Mrs. M. was brought by her husband for treatment of Migraine of 25 years' standing. She was a middle-aged woman who was extremely emotional, and was, in addition, also suffering from clinical depression.

Her headaches were so violent that she could not even carry out her day-to-day activities. So much so, that she could not even pay attention to and take care of her only son.

Depression added to her misery and she was extremely sensitive, both physically and emotionally, and would constantly and easily weep.

The slightest of contradictions would make her angry and she would lose control over her emotions and behavior. As her husband put it, "She just cannot be reasoned with!"

Based on her history and life situation, we prescribed the remedy Natrum Muriaticum 200, Single Dose.

2 weeks later, she reported back and grudgingly admitted that the severity of her headache had reduced, although her mood swings were still in play.

A further 2 months into treatment, she realized that she was becoming more tolerant and less weepy. She was coming out of her depression. Additionally, her headaches had reduced.

Within a year of treatment, both Migraine and Depression had come under control and Mrs. M.'s quality of life had considerably improved.