Homeopathy Brings In Check Evasive Tonsillitis & Restores Good Health
38 year-old Mrs. S reported in agony with painful tonsillitis recurring since 3 years. She had visited at least 12 doctors, all of whom could provide only partial relief. With the right homeopathic remedy by WelcomeCure, she recovered from her condition and did not suffer a single attack again.
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38 year-old Mrs. S reported in agony with burning pain in throat since 3 days.

She had an acute difficulty in swallowing food. The pain in her throat was so severe that it radiated to her right ear. Every change of weather brought on such complaints and this was the story since 3 years.

She had visited at least 12 doctors, all of whom could provide only partial relief.

Her complaints were worse at night which disturbed her sleep and this would make her feel drowsy throughout the day.

Based on the acuteness and intensity of her symptoms and characteristic pain, we prescribed the remedy Mercurius Solubilis 30 and advised a follow-up after 2 days.

2 days later, she happily reported saying her throat pain had reduced by 50%. She could easily eat her food well and sleep peacefully at night.

She continued treatment with us for 6 months during which she did not develop even a single severe attack of tonsillitis.