Homeopathy Made Sure That Tonsillitis Did Not Get The Better Of Our Patient!
A diligent Chartered Accountant consulted us with complaints of enlarged tonsils since 4 years. His complaints recurred in every 2 months and he would feel better only after taking antibiotics. Within a week of beginning our treatment, he reported with a positive improvement in his condition. Not only this, he also resumed his daily activities soon.
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Mr. N, a Chartered Accountant by profession consulted us with complaints of recurrent pain in his throat and enlarged tonsils since 4 years.

His complaints recurred in every 2 months and he would feel better only after taking antibiotics. Along with this complaint he would get fever on and off with difficulty in swallowing liquids.

His condition disturbed him so much that it prevented him from concentrating in his work. This made him feel anxious and depressed.

He was, by nature, a very calm and sensitive person, who gave his 100% to his work.

After analyzing the entire case, Silicea 30 was prescribed as the constitutional remedy.

He reported a week later saying that his throat pain had reduced. But the real test of success was whether our remedy had broken the chain of recurrence.

2 months after beginning treatment with us, Mr. N. happily wrote to us saying that he hadn't developed any attack. He was happy that now he was able to concentrate on his work.