- Consume foods rich in anti-oxidants like bright-coloured fruits and vegetables.
- Hair is basically protein which is also the building block and main protective nutrient in the body. So make sure that your protein intake is adequate. Protein-rich foods include eggs, chicken, seafood, liver, milk, beans, sprouts and soy among others.
- Omega 3 fatty acids are extremely beneficial for healthy hair. Omega 3 rich foods include flaxseeds, fish oils, spinach, broccoli and cauliflower.
- Biotin nutritional supplements and as well as minerals present in blue green alga are essential for hair growth especially in Alopecia Areata.
- Onion juice is said to have a beneficial effect on hairfall.
- Aloe Vera can be applied to the scalp and the juice can also be consumed to reduce hair loss and promote hair growth.