The most common signs and symptoms of Hives (Urticaria) are:
- Appearance of slightly raised, pink or red, circular or oval or worm-like patches on the skin.
- These hives can occur alone or in a group, or join together to form larger patches.
- They usually itch or burn with a stinging kind of pain.
- Swelling usually subsides within 24 hours at one spot but may appear at another spot along with other symptoms of Hives (Urticaria).
- The patient gets hives every time he/she is exposed to one or more "triggering agents".
- Chronic hives can last for months or even years together.
- Some people get hives on more or less the same spots every time - called "fixed hives" - which do not move much. The triggers in such cases are usually certain medications or too much sunlight. This is an important feature amongst other symptoms of Hives (Urticaria).
- Sometimes, there is affection of the deeper layers of the skin leading to development of large, thick firm patches with significant swelling of the affected parts. This condition is called "angioedema".