• Hives (Urticaria) Treatment


Short-term Urticaria

  • Over-the-counter antihistamine medications are most commonly used in treatment for Hives (Urticaria). They block the effects of histamine, stop itchiness and reduce the rash. However, many antihistamines cause drowsiness and care must be taken to avoid activities such as driving or working on sharp machines.
  • Corticosteroid tablets in treatment for Hives (Urticaria), which suppress the immune system and reduce the inflammatory response temporarily, may be prescribed in severe attacks. However, corticosteroids lead to a wide range of side effects and complications when taken for a long term.

Long-term Urticaria

  • Treatment for chronic urticaria basically involves avoiding the triggers and controlling the symptoms.
  • Chronic urticaria with angioedema is a potentially serious condition as it can cause breathing difficulties. Referral to a skin specialist is indicated in such a situation.
  • Menthol cream has been shown to relieve itchiness.
  • Treatment for Hives (Urticaria) of the chronic type also employs the use of antihistaminics and corticosteroid tablets.
  • Narrowband ultraviolet B phototherapy (NUVB) in treatment for Hives (Urticaria) involves exposure of the affected skin to high-energy ultraviolet light. It is most useful in cases of persistent rash. However, long-term or frequent exposure to ultraviolet light carries a theoretical risk of causing skin cancer in later life.
  • Leukotriene receptor antagonists are a new type of medication in treatment for Hives (Urticaria) that reduce the redness and swelling of the skin.
  • Cyclosporine is a powerful medication in treatment for Hives (Urticaria) that works in the same way as corticosteroids and has its own share of side effects. However, the longer one takes cyclosporine, the less effective it becomes.