- PICA is an eating disorder usually defined as the constant eating of non-nutritive substances for a period of at least 1 month at an age for which this behaviour is deemed unsuitable (e.g., above 18-24 months of age).
- Pica is a general term for the abnormal desires to eat. Pica items are diverse, and therefore can be named accordingly.
For example:
Term | Desire for |
Geophagia | Dirt, sand, clay |
Trichophagia | Hair |
Acuphagia | Sharp objects |
Amylophagia | Laundry starch |
Cautopyreiophagia | Burnt matches |
Coprophagia | Human feces, animal dung |
Foliophagia | Leaves, grass, acorns, pinecones |
Geomelophagia | Raw potatoes |
Lignophagia | Wood, bark, twigs |
Lithophagia | Rocks, gravel, pebbles |
Pagophagia | Ice, freezer frost |
Plumbophagia | Paint chips (lead) |
Tobaccophagia | Cigarette butts |
But this is not all!
There are other types of pica behaviours which are not named, like:
Items | Desire for |
Art supplies | Crayons, chalk, glue, markers, pencils, pens |
Ashes | Cigarette |
Building materials | Caulking, concrete, glass |
Fibers | Rope, carpet, cloth, pillow/toy stuffing, sponge |
Home items | Candles, charcoal, coffee grounds, mothballs |
Insects | Dead, live |
Metal | Bolts, coins, nails, nuts, rust, screws |
Paper | Books, disposable diapers, labels, toilet paper |
Plastic | Container lids, toy parts |
Rubber | Foam rubber, tubing, telephone cord |
Sewing supplies | Pins, needles, buttons, thread |
Toiletries | Soap, deodorant, toilet bowl freshener, toothpaste |