• Pica Definition

pica definition
  • PICA is an eating disorder usually defined as the constant eating of non-nutritive substances for a period of at least 1 month at an age for which this behaviour is deemed unsuitable (e.g., above 18-24 months of age).
  • Pica is a general term for the abnormal desires to eat. Pica items are diverse, and therefore can be named accordingly.

For example:

Term Desire for
Geophagia Dirt, sand, clay
Trichophagia Hair
Acuphagia Sharp objects
Amylophagia Laundry starch
Cautopyreiophagia Burnt matches
Coprophagia Human feces, animal dung
Foliophagia Leaves, grass, acorns, pinecones
Geomelophagia Raw potatoes
Lignophagia Wood, bark, twigs
Lithophagia Rocks, gravel, pebbles
Pagophagia Ice, freezer frost
Plumbophagia Paint chips (lead)
Tobaccophagia Cigarette butts

But this is not all!

There are other types of pica behaviours which are not named, like:

Items Desire for
Art supplies Crayons, chalk, glue, markers, pencils, pens
Ashes Cigarette
Building materials Caulking, concrete, glass
Fibers Rope, carpet, cloth, pillow/toy stuffing, sponge
Home items Candles, charcoal, coffee grounds, mothballs
Insects Dead, live
Metal Bolts, coins, nails, nuts, rust, screws
Paper Books, disposable diapers, labels, toilet paper
Plastic Container lids, toy parts
Rubber Foam rubber, tubing, telephone cord
Sewing supplies Pins, needles, buttons, thread
Toiletries Soap, deodorant, toilet bowl freshener, toothpaste