The basic symptoms of PICA is the desire to eat inedible substances such as clay, dirt, stones, hair, faeces, lead, pencils, erasers, fingernails, paint chips, paper, chalk, wood, needles, string, plaster, light bulbs, cigarette, wire, burnt matches, etc.
A person with history of PICA may present with other signs and symptoms such as:
- Constipation
- Diarrhoea
- Chronic or acute, diffuse or focused abdominal pain
- Nausea/ vomiting
- Loss of appetite
- Abdominal swelling and tightness
- Paleness or yellowness of skin
- Iron deficiency anaemia which could be the cause of PICA
The symptoms of pica vary with the item ingested.
- Sand or soil is usually associated with abdominal pain and occasional bleeding.
- Chewing ice may cause wearing of the teeth.
- Eating clay may cause constipation.
- Swallowing metal objects may lead to tears in the intestines.
- Eating faecal material often leads to parasitic / worm infestations.
- Consuming lead can lead to kidney damage and mental retardation.
Worm infestations are commonly seen in children as one of the leading symptoms of Pica.