• Piles (Hemorrhoids) Preventions

  • Include significant amounts of fiber in the diet. If required, add fiber supplements to the diet.
  • Have adequate amount of exercise on a regular basis.
  • Drink plenty of water and fluids.
  • Avoid straining for motions. Treat constipation or diarrhea promptly.
  • Avoid waiting for too long for passing the motions. Go as soon as possible when you get the urge for motions.
  • Tackle obesity on a war footing. Make serious and consistent efforts to reduce weight.
  • Avoid sitting for long periods of time. People who have to sit for long periods of time must get up and take a short stroll every now and then.
  • Maintain an erect posture while sitting or standing for long periods of time.
  • Take proper medications to control liver disease or heart disease to avoid backflow of blood into abdomen and pelvis.
  • Avoid lifting or holding heavy objects.
  • Take proper medications to control chronic cough.