• Warts Preventions


An HPV vaccine is available for protection against cervical cancer and other precancerous lesions.

For Warts, the basic principle is to avoid cross-contamination to prevent occurrence or spread of the virus. Some useful measures include:

  • Avoid biting your fingernails: Don't bite your fingernails if there are warts near them. Warts tend to occur more often in broken skin. Nibbling the skin around the fingernails opens the door for the entry of the virus.
  • Grooming with care: To avoid spread of the virus, don't brush, comb, clip or shave in the areas that have warts. Wash your hands carefully after touching the wart or around it.
  • Keep personal use tools separate: Don't use the same nail clipper or pumice stone on your warts as you use on your healthy nails. Also, such tools must not be used by anyone else.
  • Avoid picking at warts: Picking at the wart may spread the virus. Cover the wart with an adhesive bandage to prevent picking.
  • Keep hands dry: Warts thrive in moist environment. Therefore, keeping hands dry will reduce the chances of occurrence of the warts.