• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • 1 I have CFS since few years. Can I exercise? Which exercises are recommended for CFS patients?

    It is very important that a health care professional to guide you regarding exercises.

    Since a person with CFS suffers from post-exertion malaise, anaerobic exercises are recommended such as resistance training and stretching.

    Stop the exercises before you get too tired. Start slow and gradually increase the pace of the activity is the key you must remember.

    Daily chores such as cleaning, washing should be divided in to shorter and less strenuous ones.

    If you avoid exercises and daily activities with the fear of aggravating your symptoms, it might worsen your disease. Choose a type of exercise/daily activity which works best for you.

  • 2 What foods should I eat to cope with CFS?

    • Try to find out if you have any food intolerances and then avoid those foods.
    • Eat beans, nuts, seeds that suit you well as they are a good source of protein, healthy fat, fiber and antioxidants.
    • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables to provide enough vitamins, minerals and antioxidants
    • Eat foods containing omega-3 fatty acids such as mackerels, sardines, salmon, flaxseed, hempseed, walnuts. Omega-3 fatty acids have excellent anti-inflammatory properties and help to ease the pain.
    • Eat adequate amounts of proteins
    • Drink plenty of water and stay well hydrated. Water helps flush out toxins from the system that cause toxins
    • Eat whole grains such as wheat, rice, barley, oats, etc.

  • 3 What lifestyle changes should I make to live life with CFS?

    • Perform physical activities at a comfortable pace; avoid overexertion. However, total rest is not advisable as it may make the fatigue worse. Always gradually increase the physical activities.
    • Maintain healthy social interactions at a comfortable level. Avoid social isolation as it may lead to depression or other illnesses.
    • Eat a healthy and nutritious diet and try to maintain good health. Take supplements as necessary. Dietary deficiencies can worsen the fatigue and other symptoms.
    • Resolve emotional stress.
    • Get adequate sleep.
    • Learn and practice relaxation techniques such as yoga, vipassana, meditation, etc.
    • Don't overexert physically or mentally
    • Avoid junk foods loaded with sugar, caffeine, preservatives, colors, etc
    • Avoid skipping meals
    • Decrease consumption of alcohol and caffeine at night.

  • 4 How should I support my loved one with CFS?

    Emotional support and counseling may help you and your loved ones deal with the uncertainties and restrictions of chronic fatigue syndrome.

  • 5 I have read that Homeopathy can help a person with CFS. Is it true?

    Yes. Homeopathy targets the roots of CFS, NOT JUST the fatigue or other superficial symptoms which are merely the outward reflections of the internal illness.

    Homeopathy significantly reduces the intensity, frequency and duration of the associated symptoms and helps the person lead a fairly normal day-to-day life. Homeopathy literature shows that there are nearly 100 highly effective remedies to successfully conquer this exhausting ailment.

    The combined skills of our Experts and the modern science of Homeopathy help you reclaim your health and life!

  • 6 Will any blood tests confirm the diagnosis of CFS?

    There is no specific lab test or biomarker for CFS. One has to rely on detailed history and clinical examination by an experienced doctor.

  • 7 If my parent, brother or sister suffers CFS, does that mean I will have it too?

    CFS is sometimes seen in members of the same family, but that does not indicate that it is contagious. However, there may be a familial or genetic link.

  • 8 Can I prevent getting the troublesome CFS?

    There are no known preventive measures. However, some measures that might be helpful are:

    • Having a balanced diet
    • Having reasonable levels of physical activities
    • Managing stress
    • Having adequate sleep

  • 9 I am very frustrated with having CFS. I get tired so soon that I can't even enjoy my life with family /friends. What will happen if I ignore going to several physicians? Does CFS leads to serious complications?

    CFS has started to affect your quality of life. If you continue to ignore the disease some of the following complications can occur:

    • Depression and Anxiety. CFS also predisposes one to increased suicide risk.
    • Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Difficulty in sleeping
    • Social isolation due to avoidance of social contact and social interactions as a result of easy fatigue, low stamina and associated depressed mood
    • Lifestyle restrictions due to inability to exert oneself physically or mentally, which significantly influences the person's lifestyle choices
    • Increased work absences especially due to sleep difficulties and low stamina leading to problems with employment and career issues

    You must seek medical advice of a well experienced physician.

  • 10 My mother aged 45 has been diagnosed with CFS recently. Will CFS affect her daily life?

    Yes. CFS affects quality of a persons' life mentally as well as physically.

    It may start with less severe to severe symptoms of CFS. She may be able to care for herself, but would rest for days. She may have disturbed sleep patterns, reduced mobility.

    If not treated well or managed appropriately,

    • She might find it difficult to maintain relationships with partners, family members and friends; difficult to concentrate.
    • the loss of independence, economic security and livelihood
    • the worries about taking care of and raising children

    Give your loved one the best care and treatment from our panel of expert Homeopaths. People say "Homeopathy is placebo". We have many evidence based cases which are available on the portal on multiple clinical conditions right now!!! You are just one click away from restoring your family's health!

  • 11 Does any particular age or sex suffer CFS?

    • CFS occurs four times more frequently in women than in men, although people of either sex can develop the disease
    • Most often people in their 40s and 50s, but people of all ages can get CFS
    • CFS is less common in children than in adults & more common in adolescents than in younger children
