A form of irritant contact dermatitis, Diaper Dermatitis, affects the area of skin which comes at contact of napkin or diaper. Cloth nappies are more likely to cause it. Though, it affects babies who wear napkins, but occasionally may affect adults and children who suffer from urinary or faecal incontinence & use diapers.

It is also known as Napkin Dermatitis/ Nappy rash/ Diaper rash/ Irritant Diaper Dermatitis/ Generic rash. Diaper dermatitis can be diaper associated or non diaper associated. Skin of babies, mostly of age group 9-12 months, which comes under the contact of diaper, gets easily affected because it is very tender and soft. Risk of Diaper dermatitis is higher in immune compromised patients.
Diaper Dermatitis can be extremely terrible and irritating condition which can make your bundle of joy irritable, fussy and frustrated.
Quick Look
- Red rash on the skin of diaper area (baby's bottom)
- Pain
- Burning sensation
- Scaling/ Oozing/ Bleeding Click to know more about Symptoms of DIAPER DERMATITIS
- Diaper Dermatitis can irritate your baby's skin. It can annoy your little one and in turn may cause alarming situation for already tense parents.
- Baby becomes more irritable, uncomfortable and cries more frequently, especially; when their affected area is touched or washed.
- Diaper rashes can get secondarily infected by fungus, bacteria, yeast etc. which can make the situation worse.
- Serious secondary infections can crop up resulting in severe pain and danger to general health of baby.
Hence, every case of Diaper Dermatitis must be provided with immediate medical attention to prevent grave consequences. Diaper Dermatitis, if, not treated well can lead to recurrences too.
- Homeopathy is very efficient in managing symptoms of Diaper Dermatitis and has an excellent success rate in both children and elderly. It is very gentle and effective system of medicine. Hence it is safe to use even in newborns.
- Unlike conventional system of medicines, there is no use of antibiotics and steroids. Homeopathy has world class medicines which treat Diaper Dermatitis from its roots without any side effects. Homeopathy stimulates body's healing capacity and strengthens immunity; which will promote baby's overall development & health. It is equally safe and side effect free for elderly.
- Homeopathic Treatment For Diaper Dermatitis is natural, safe and without any side-effects, and one can enjoy complete freedom from the irritation..
- Homeopathy treats acute cases of Diaper Dermatitis very effectively and also helps in preventing relapse of the condition.
- Homeopathic Treatment For Diaper Dermatitis has more than 100 natural, side-effect free remedies in its medicine bank for the treatment of this condition.
Few of our amazing remedies include:
- GRAPHITES: Good remedy for Diaper dermatitis where skin is extremely dry, cracked, red, scaly and itchy. Sticky discharge from crusty looking skin.
- MEDORRHINUM: Excellent for diaper dermatitis where skin looks red, shiny and painful rashes in restless and oversensitive babies.
- Borax: Babies cry, scream, before nursing or before passing stool or urine. Skin-Dry skin, inflamed.
- CANTHARIS: Extremely suitable remedy for Diaper Dermatitis where skin looks beefy red, scaly, scalded etc. Red, hot and painful blisters. Cold water and touch aggravates the skin condition.
- HEPAR SULPHURICUM: Good remedy for napkin rashes in highly sensitive tender skin in babies who are chilly and likes warm things. Rashes with pus formation which smells foul.
- PETROLEUM: Remedy for diaper rashes for raw and sensitive skin around genitalia. Cracked skin with bleeding.
- SILICEA: Marked remedy for skin where every little injury suppurates, with offensive pus in it. For fever in Diaper Dermatitis with creepy shivering over whole body.