• Glaucoma Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy is very proficient in managing the symptoms of Glaucoma and has an excellent success rate. It corrects the genetic predisposition and susceptibility towards Glaucoma.

  • Homeopathic treatment for Glaucoma improves blood supply of eye, promote normal production of Aqueous humor, improve its circulation, and facilitate its easy drainage. It helps in maintaining proper IOP, thereby prevents damage to vision.

  • Homeopathic medicines are potentised in a dynamic plane which raises their curative power facilitating natural and holistic healing. Homeopathic medicines are non toxic, harmless and side effect free since dosages are minute.
  • Most importantly, Homeopathic treatment for Glaucoma is capable in preventing surgery. It reduces need for surgical intervention.

But it is important to remember that the sooner you start Glaucoma treatment, the better for your eyes & vision. Also early treatment ensures better prognosis.

Few of our amazing remedies in Homeopathic treatment of GLAUCOMA include:

  • OSMIUM METALLICUM: An effective remedy for Glaucoma with affected vision. Person sees greenish or rainbow colours around the light. Weeping mood is marked.
  • PHOSPHORUS: One of the most superlative remedies for eye affections especially Glaucoma. Narrow field of vision with optic nerve atrophy. Sensation as if everything around is covered with mist & dust. Coloured vision followed by headache. Suits tall slender people who grow rapidly and then stoop. There is marked susceptibility to external impressions like light, sound, touch, etc.
  • PHYSOSTIGMA: Superb remedy for Glaucoma after injury. Pain over eyes, cannot raise eyelids. Bloody red eyes with burning.
  • SILICEA: Glaucoma in people who are always cold, chilly and lack vital heat. Aversion to daylight which causes dazzling and sharp pain in the eyes. Vision affected, letters run together on reading. Patient characteristically feels cold before symptoms appear. Symptoms worse in winter.
  • SPIGELIA: Good remedy for Glaucoma with intense pressure in the eyeballs, which increases on turning the eyes. Eyes hurt on moving them and become too large.

  • Have a look at some of the homeopathic remedies used for the treatment of Glaucoma. The treatment given by our Experts is highly specific for the individual we treat and not limited to 2 or 3 drugs. Homeopathic treatment for Glaucoma offers a minimum of 80 remedies effective against Glaucoma.


1 Abel,3 Acon, 1 Adren, 1 Aegle, 1 Allox, 1 Arec, 1 Arg-n, 1 Ars, 1 Asar, 1 Atra-r,3 Atro,3 Aur, 1 Bell, 3 Berb, 3 Bry, 1 Camph, 1 Caust,3 Cedr, 1 Cimic, 1 Cob-n, 1 Cocain, 2 Cocc, 3 Colch, 3 Coloc, 3 Com, 1 Con, 1 Cortico, 1 Croc, 1 Crot-h, 1 Croto-t, 1 Dttab, 1 Dubin, 1 Esin, 1 Euphr, 1 Eys, 1 Gels, 1 Grin, 1 Ham, 1 Hed, 1 Jab, 3 Kali-i, 1 Kali-m, 2 Lac-c, 1 Lach, 1 Lyc, 1 Mag-c, 1 Mag-p, 1 Merc, 1 Mez,3 Nit-ac, 1 Nux-v, 1 Op,3 Osm, 4 PHOS, 4 PHYS, 1 Phyt, 2 Piloc, 1 Pipe, 1 Plb, 1 Pot-a,3 Prun, 3 Puls, 1 Rhod,3 Rhus-t, 1 Sam, 1 Sapo, 1 Saroth, 1 Seneg, 1 Sil,3 Spig, 1 Sulo-ac,3 Sulph, 1 Supren, 1 Thul-c, 1 Valer, 3 Wies, 1 Zinc


3 Aloe, 4 ALUM, 1 Alum-p, 1 Am-c, 1 Aml-n, 3 Ammc, 3 Anac, 1 Anag, 1 Anh, 1 Asar,3 Atro, 1 Atro-s, 1 Bar-c, 4 BELL, 3 Bry, 3 Calad,3 Calc, 1 Cann-s,3 Carb-v,3 Caust, 1 Cham, 1 Chim, 1 Chin, 1 Chlor,3 Cic, 4 COCC, 1 Coff-t, 1 Colch, 1 Com,3 Cycl, 3 Dig, 1 Digin, 1 Euph, 3 Euphr, 1 Ferr, 1 Ferr-ma, 1 Galv, 1 Gels,3 Hep, 1 Hipp, 1 Hyos, 3 Ip, 3 Kali-c, 3 Kali-n, 3 Kali-p, 1 Kali-s,3 Lach, 1 Mag-m, 1 Mang, 1 Merl, 1 Mim-p, 1 Nat-m, 1 Nat-p, 3 Nicc, 1 Nit-ac, 4 OSM, 1 Ozone, 1 Peti, 3 Ph-ac, 4 PHOS, 4 PULS, 2 Ran-b, 4 RUTA, 1 Sant, 1 Saroth, 1 Sarr,3 Sars, 3 Sep, 1 Sil,3 Stann, 3 Staph, 3 Stront-c, 4 SULPH, 1 Tell,3 Tub, 1 Verat, 1 Verat-v,3 Zinc, 1 Zinc-p

It is, however, worthwhile to remember that self-medication is not recommended.

The remedy abbreviations with

  • 4 marks- most effective,
  • 3 marks- quite effective,
  • 2 marks- less effective,
  • 1 mark- least effective.