Glaucoma is a disease condition which affects the eyes, especially optic nerve and in most cases is associated with elevated intraocular pressure. Optic nerve is the main nerve of eye, which transmits images from retina of eye to brain, which help us to see those images. Intraocular pressure is the pressure within the eye caused by a nourishing liquid of eye called Aqueous Humor. This liquid is produced and drained by the eyes. But Glaucoma can also happen if this pressure is normal.

Glaucoma can damage the Optic nerve and can cause peripheral vision loss which may progress to irreversible blindness, if not treated timely.
Most people with Glaucoma are not even aware of the disease, since in most cases it is asymptomatic in the beginning. Hence it is important to check eyes routinely especially after 40 years of age.
Facts on Glaucoma:
- Glaucoma is second most common cause of blindness, first being Cataract.
- Glaucoma cannot be cured but can be controlled.
- Treatment prognosis is much better if treatment is received early.
- Glaucoma can affect both the eyes or more severely in any one eye.
- Glaucoma can cause vision loss which cannot be restored back.
Quick Look
- Initially asymptomatic (no symptoms). There could be only peripheral vision loss which may get unnoticed.
- Vision loss
- Tunnel vision- Narrowing of vision, only things placed straight in front of eyes are visible
- Redness of vision
- halos around light
- Haziness in eyes
- Seeing colours in front of eyes
- Nausea with or without vomiting
- Severe headache
- Pain in eyes
Click to know more about Symptoms of GLAUCOMA.
- Glaucoma is a potentially dangerous condition of eyes which can impact vision.
- Failure in early diagnosis and treatment can cause permanent blindness. Loss of peripheral vision starts with damage to optic nerve caused by Glaucoma which can later progress to complete loss of vision.
- Angle closure Glaucoma (a type of Glaucoma) can lead you in emergency department along with severe threat to your vision. It can cause acute and severe pain in eyes, headache, seeing halos around eyes, nausea, vomiting. This is a serious condition and needs immediate attention or may cause blindness.
- Decreased visual acuity can increase the risk of falls, injuries, trauma. Also it can severely impact the driving skills of affected person.
- In some studies, it has been noticed that Glaucoma is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, stroke.
Glaucoma, if ignored, can be seriously harmful and may debilitate your life quality with irreversible negative impact on your vision.
- Homeopathy is very efficient in managing symptoms of Glaucoma and has an excellent success rate. It is very gentle and effective system of medicine.
- Homeopathic treatment is based on law of similars, it employs medicines which have greater beneficial action on eyes and optic nerve.
- Homeopathy can successfully treat Glaucoma without the intervention of surgery. Hence the side effect and risks involved in surgery are not present in Homeopathy.
- Homeopathy has excellent medicines which treat Glaucoma from its roots without any side effects.
- Well chosen Homeopathic medicine on the basis of totality is capable to stop and reverse the optic nerve damage and maintain perfect pressure within the eyes.
- Homeopathy stimulates body's healing capacities and strengthens immunity.
- Homeopathic Treatment for Glaucoma. has more than 80 natural, side-effect free remedies in its medicine bank for the treatment of this condition.
Few of our amazing remedies include:
- OSMIUM METALLICUM: An effective remedy for Glaucoma with affected vision. Person sees greenish or rainbow colours around the light. Weeping mood is marked.
- PHOSPHORUS: Wonderful remedy for Glaucoma, where there is narrow field of vision with optic nerve atrophy. Sensation as if everything around is covered with mist & dust. Coloured vision followed by headache. Suits tall slender people who grow rapidly and then stoop. There is marked susceptibility to external impressions like light, sound, touch, etc.
- PHYSOSTIGMA: Remedy for Glaucoma that occurs after injury. Pain over eyes, cannot raise eyelids. Bloody red eyes with burning.
- SILICEA: Glaucoma in people who are always cold, chilly and lack vital heat. Aversion to daylight which causes dazzling and sharp pain in the eyes. Vision affected, letters run together on reading. Patient characteristically feels cold before symptoms appear. Symptoms worse in winter.
- SPIGELIA: Good remedy for Glaucoma with intense pressure in the eyeballs, which increases on turning the eyes. Eyes hurt on moving them and become too large.