Hair Fall or loss of hair, also termed Alopecia, medically, is quite a common condition. Almost every person suffers from hair loss, some or other time in their life. It can be a source of immense psychological distress and emotional turbulence.
- Male pattern baldness- A pattern of hair loss which is very common in males and may be hereditary. Excess of male hormone could be cause of this pattern of baldness. Male pattern hair loss starts as early as twenties or thirties. Hairline recedes. Hair volume may decrease. Usually, in male pattern baldness, hair loss starts first at crown of head and at temples. It forms a horse-shoe shaped baldness. It is also called as Androgenic Alopecia.
- Female pattern baldness- Hair loss in females is more at the top of the head.
- Alopecia areata: A condition commonly seen in young people where large coin shaped patches of baldness develops. Hair may regenerate in these areas. It is also seen in conditions like autoimmune diseases, diabetes, thyroid disorders
- Alopecia Totalis: Complete loss of hair on scalp
- Alopecia Universalis: Complete hair loss on full body.
- Scaring Alopecia: Due to damage to hair follicle, there is hair loss which does not grow back.
- Anagen effluvium: Mostly due to cancer treatment, there is hair loss on scalp, body & face.
- Telogen effluvium : Widespread hair thinning may be due to many causes like hormonal imbalance, dieting, cancer, liver disease, stress, certain medications.