• Meniere's Disease Diagnosis and Tests

Diagnosis and Tests

The diagnosis of Meniere's Disease is mostly made by a medical history and a thorough physical examination. However, a series of other tests may also be advocated to rule out other diseases.

  • Physical Examination and Medical History
    • The severity, duration and frequency of the hearing problem.
    • Any history of recent infections or allergies
    • History of any medications.
    • Previous ear-related troubles.
    • General examination.
    • Any family history of ear problems.
  • Audiometry
    • A hearing test called audiometry checks the quality of hearing to detect sounds at different pitches and volumes.
  • Balance Assessment
    • Video-nystagmography (VNG): This test evaluates balance function by assessing eye movement.
    • Rotary-chair testing: Like a VNG, this measures inner ear function based on eye movement.
    • Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMP) testing: It measures the function of balance sensors present in the region of the inner ear. It can detect acceleration movement.
    • Posturography. This is a computerized test that finds out part of the body's balance system, namely- vision; inner ear function; or sensations from the skin, muscles, tendons and joints - on which the individual depends the most and which parts may cause problems.
  • Tests to rule out other conditions
    • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
    • Computerized tomography (CT)
    • Auditory brainstem response audiometry