Homeopathy is very proficient in managing the symptoms of Cellulitis and has an excellent success rate in homeopathic treatment for Cellulitis. It corrects the predisposition and susceptibility towards Cellulitis.
- Constant use of antibiotics can lead to rise of such strain of bacteria which are antibiotic resistant and are very difficult to treat. Homeopathy does not advocate use of antibiotics and treats Cellulitis in the most effective natural way possible.
- Moreover, Homoeopathic treatment for Cellulitis also helps in preventing the relapse of the condition and also tackles all complications. Homoeopathic treatment for Cellulitis provides complete holistic wellbeing to the patient. Homeopathy comes as most effective line of treatment and plays efficient role in immunity development and promotes rise of white blood cells which fight infection naturally.
- Homeopathic treatment for Cellulitis has many medicines which are anti inflammatory and powerful pain relievers.
- Most importantly, Homeopathy is capable to prevent you from going under knife. Homoeopathic treatment for Cellulitis reduces need for surgical intervention.
- Homeopathic medicines are safe, side effect free, easy to administer and well proved. Homeopathy is a logical, safe and quick mode of treatment.
- It is also capable of managing sepsis, gangrene and other severe complication of Cellulitis.
- Have a look at some of the homeopathic remedies used for the treatment of Cellulitis. The treatment given by our Experts is highly specific for the individual we treat and not limited to 2 or 3 drugs. Homeopathic treatment for Cellulitis offers a minimum of 100 remedies effective against Cellulitis.

Few of our amazing remedies in Homeopathic treatment of CELLULITIS include:
- RHUS TOXICODENDRON: Excellent remedy for Cellulitis and Erysipelas, where skin is intensely red and swollen. Condition aggravates in cold, wet, rainy weather and gets better by warm application.
- APIS MELLIFICA: Great remedy for Cellulitis after insect bite. For skin which is sore, sensitive and stinging with rosy hue. Excellent for sudden puffing of whole body.
- LACHESIS: Great remedy for blue black swellings in severe cases of Cellulitis. For pus filled dissecting wounds. Effective for Cellulitis in old age. Condition better by appearance of discharge and warm applications.
- SILICEA: Marked remedy for skin where every little injury suppurates, with offensive pus in it. For fever in Cellulitis with creepy shivering over whole body.
INFLAMMATION: Cellular tissue, cellulitis: 1Abr, 3Apis, 1Arn, 3Ars, 1Bapt, 1Bell, 1Bry, 1Cod, 1Crot-h, 1Gad, 1Graph, 3Hep, 1Hydrc, 3Lach, 1Mang, 1Med, 1Merc, 3Merc-i-r, 1Myris, 3Rhus-t, 3Sil, 1Sul-i, 1Sulph, 1Tarent-c, 1Verat-v, 1Vesp
CELLULITIS, SKIN:> 2Apis, 2Arn, 1Ars, 1Bapt, 1Bell, 1Bry, 1Crot-h, 1Gad, 2Hep, 2Lach, 1Mang, 1Merc, 2Merc-i-r, 1Myris, 2Rhus-t, 2Sil, 1Sul-i, 1Tarent-c, 1Vesp
CELLULITIS: 2Apis, 2Arn, 3Ars, 2Bapt, 2Crot-h, 3Lach, 2Mang, 3Merc-i-r, 3Rhus-t, 2Sil, 2Vesp
The remedy abbreviations with
- 3 marks- quite effective,
- 2 marks- less effective,
- 1 mark- least effective.
It is, however, worthwhile to remember that self-medication is not recommended. Consult one of our Experts Now for freedom from CELLULITIS for yourself or your loved one!