Although the size of endometriotic patches may vary from pinhead to large clumps, the intensity of symptoms of Endometriosis is irrespective of their size. Common symptoms of endometriosis are:
Pain (Dysmenorrhea):
- Type of pain: Severe pain in the pelvic region leads the list of symptoms of Endometriosis. It is stabbing and cramping during periods and continues as a low dull ache during the non-menstruating days. Pain can be debilitating and the emotional stress can take a toll on routine life of ladies.
- Site of pain: Pain in common at sides of the pelvis, in the lower back and rectal area, and even down the legs sometimes.
- Time of pain: Pain is more acute during menses but it can occur anytime in the month.
- Dyspareunia: Pain during sexual intercourse is one of the common symptoms of Endometriosis, so much so that they can develop an aversion to sex.
- Dysuria: Difficulty and pain during urination is occasionally experienced by women having Endometriosis. They may also complain of frequent urination with urgency.
- Abnormal periods: Heavy and irregular episodes of menses, or even bleeding between periods are frequently encountered symptoms.