• Vitiligo Symptoms

Symptoms of Vitiligo
  • White patches on several areas of skin
  • Pale, patchy areas of skin which tend to occur on extremities
  • Patches are initially small, but often grow and change shape
  • They are most prominent on sun-exposed areas like face, hands and wrists
  • Patches are easily noticeable around body orifices, such as mouth, eyes, nostrils, genitalia and navel.
  • Increased skin pigment can be seen around the edges of patches along with other symptoms of Vitiligo
  • Symptoms of Vitiligo may result in low self esteem. Person may be sad, depressed and refrain from socializing due to fear of embarrassment

Symptoms of Vitiligo also vary according to types of the disease:

Segmental Type

  • Lesions appear on one side or part of body.
  • It tends to affect areas of skin that are associated with dorsal roots of spinal cord and is most often unilateral.
  • It spreads much more rapidly.
  • It is not associated with auto-immune diseases.

Non-Segmental Type

  • Patches may appear anywhere.
  • New patches also appear over time.
  • Generalized over large portions of the body or localized to a particular area.
  • Can happen at any age.

It is divided into following sub-types:

  • Vitiligo universalis: Little pigmented skin remains and depigmentation encompasses most of the body.
  • Generalized vitiligo: The most common pattern usually present all over the body with wide and randomly distributed areas of depigmentation.
  • Focal vitiligo: Symptoms of Vertigo of this type include one or few scattered patches in one area, most commonly in children.
  • Acrofacial vitiligo: Symptoms of Vertigo are seen in fingers and periorificial areas.
  • Mucosal vitiligo: Characterized by depigmentation of only the mucous membrane like mouth orifice, genitalia, etc.