• Vocal Nodules Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic Treatment
  • Homeopathy gives plausible results in managing the symptoms of Vocal Nodules and has an excellent success rate .
  • Homeopathic treatment for vocal nodules efficiently treats Vocal Nodules without the need of surgery.
  • Homeopathic treatment for vocal nodules helps to treat your hoarseness, relieve your throat discomfort and restore your original voice without side effects. For best results, treatment should be sought earlier. In case of very big nodules, Homeopathy helps to shrink their size and gradually remove them.
  • Moreover, it also helps in preventing the relapse of the condition and also tackles all complications. Homeopathic treatment for Vocal nodules provides complete holistic wellbeing to the patient. Homeopathy comes as most effective line of treatment and manages efficient role in immunity development .
  • Homeopathy is a modern & competent science which has breakthrough success records in prevention as well as treatment of Vocal Nodules
  • In Homeopathy, there is no use of steroids which comes with temporary relief along with many side effects. Homeopathy is perfect alternative & is much safer and long term treatment scope for your Vocal Nodules.
  • Homeopathic medicines are safe, side effect free, easy to administer and well proved. Homeopathy is a logical, safe and quick mode of treatment.

Few of our amazing remedies in Homeopathic treatment of VOCAL NODULES include:

  • SPONGIA TOSTA : Great remedy for Vocal nodules with difficulty in swallowing. Swallows small quantity of water with difficulty. Throat complaints better on lying down. Needs to clear throat frequently. Throat complaints worse from eating sweets.
  • CAPSICUM : Stupendous remedy for Vocal Nodules with constant, stitching pain in the throat. Burning & smarting in throat. Associated with gastric or rheumatic complaints. Swallowing of solids or liquids is painful. Constant itching in the throat with a sensation of roughness. Constant desire to have cold drinks but there is a sudden, agonising pain in the throat during swallowing. For hoarseness in singers & preachers.
  • ARGENTUM NITRICUM : One of the most effective medicines for Vocal Nodules with thick tenacious mucus in the throat. Sensation as if splinter has lodged in throat. Cold drinks ameliorate. Affections of throat in smokers. Suits people who are nervous, impulsive, hurried, timid and anxious.
  • CALCAREA CARBONICA : Excellent medicine for Vocal Nodules with stitching pains on swallowing. Throbbing pains with sensation as if something comes out. Excessive perspiration especially on head which wets the pillow. Vocal nodules in fat, fair, flabby people.
  • THUJA OCCIDENTALIS : Extraordinary medicine for Vocal Nodules in patients who are exhausted, and are also prone to skin affections. Vocal Nodules due to ill effects of tobacco. Complaints from cold, damp weather; onions, sweets, fat foods etc.

  • Have a look at some of the homeopathic remedies used for the treatment of Vocal nodules. The treatment given by our Experts is highly specific for the individual we treat and not limited to 2 or 3 drugs. Homeopathic treatment for Vocal nodules offers a minimum of 100 remedies effective against Vocal nodules.


1 Abrot, 1 Acal, 1 Acan-p, 1 Acet-ac, 1 Achy, 4 ACON, 1 Acon-c, 1 Aegle, 2 Aego-p, 3 Aesc, 4 AGAR, 1 Agar-ph, 1 Agav-t, 1 Aids, 1 Alco, 4 ALL-C, 1 All-s, 4 ALOE, 2 Alth, 4 ALUM, 1 Alum-p, 1 Alum-sil, 3 Alumn, 1 Am-br, 3 Am-c, 3 Am-caust, 3 Am-m, 3 Ambr, 2 Amet, 1 Aml-n, 1 Ammc, 1 Ampe-qu, 1 Amyg-am, 1 Anac, 3 Anag, 1 Anath, 3 Ang, 4 ANT-C, 3 Ant-t, 1 Antipyrin, 1 Aphis, 3 Apis, 1 Aral, 3 Arg-i, 4 ARG-M, 4 ARG-N, 1 Arge-p, 2 Arist-cl, 4 ARN, 3 Ars, 3 Ars-i, 1 Ars-met, 1 Ars-s-f, 1 Ars-s-r, 3 Arum-d, 1 Arum-i, 1 Arum-m, 4 ARUM-T, 1 Arund, 1 Asaf, 1 Asc-t, 3 Asim, 1 Atista, 1 Atro, 1 Aur, 1 Aur-ar, 1 Aur-i, 3 Aur-m, 1 Aur-s, 1 Aven, 2 Aza, 1 Bac, 1 Bacch-a, 1 Bad, 1 Bamb-a, 1 Bapt, 4 BAR-C, 1 Bar-i, 1 Bar-m, 1 Bar-s, 1 Bart, 4 BELL, 1 Bell-p, 1 Benz, 3 Benz-ac, 1 Berb, 1 Berb-a, 1 Beryl, 1 Blum-o, 1 Bond, 1 Bor, 2 Bor-nos, 2 Bos-s, 3 Bov, 4 BROM, 4 BRY, 1 Bufo, 1 Bung-f, 2 Buni-o, 3 Cact, 1 Cahin, 1 Caj, 4 CALC, 1 Calc-caust, 4 CALC-F, 4 CALC-I, 3 Calc-p, 3 Calc-s, 3 Calc-sil, 3 Calen, 1 Calop-s, 1 Calx-b, 4 CAMPH, 1 Cann-i, 3 Canth, 4 CAPS, 1 Carb-ac, 3 Carb-an, 4 CARB-V, 3 Carbn-s, 1 Carc, 1 Card-b, 2 Card-m, 1 Cari, 3 Carl, 1 Cassi-f, 2 Cast, 1 Cath-a, 1 Caul, 4 CAUST, 1 Cench, 1 Cer-c, 4 CHAM, 3 Chel, 1 Chen-a, 4 CHIN, 3 Chin-ar, 2 Chin-s, 3 Chlor, 1 Cic, 1 Cimic, 1 Cina, 1 Cinch, 1 Cinis-p, 3 Cinnb, 1 Citl-l, 1 Clem, 4 COC-C, 4 COCA, 1 Cocc, 1 Coch, 3 Coff, 3 Colch, 3 Coll, 1 Coloc, 3 Con, 1 Cop, 2 Corv-c, 1 Croc, 3 Crot-c, 3 Crot-h, 3 Croto-t, 1 Cub, 1 Culx, 1 Culx-p, 4 CUPR, 1 Cygn-c, 1 Dendro-p, 1 Der, 4 DIG, 3 Digin, 1 Dios, 1 Dirc, 1 Dpt, 4 DROS, 1 Dubin, 4 DULC, 1 Elaps, 2 Emer, 1 Eug, 4 EUP-PER, 1 Eup-pur, 1 Euph-a, 1 Euph-pu, 3 Euphr, 1 Excr-can, 3 Ferr, 1 Ferr-ar, 3 Ferr-i, 3 Ferr-p, 1 Ferr-pic, 2 Form, 1 Franz, 1 Galeoc-c, 1 Galph, 1 Gamb, 1 Gast, 4 GELS, 1 Gent-c, 1 Gent-l, 1 Geoc-c, 1 Gink, 1 Gins, 3 Glyc-g, 4 GRAPH,


3 Arg-m, 3 Calc-f, 3 Cupr, 1 Gast, 1 Lac-c, 3 Med, 1 Menth, 3 Naja, 1 Sac-alb, 1 Sel, 3 Seneg, 1 Stann, 3 Verb


4 AGAR, 1 Alum, 4 ARG-M, 3 Arg-n, 1 Arn, 4 ARUM-T, 3 Bry, 3 Caps, 3 Carb-v, 3 Caust, 3 Graph, 3 Hep, 1 Lac-v-f, 3 Mang, 1 Med, 2 Menth, 3 Nat-m, 1 Nat-sel, 3 Nit-ac, 1 Osm, 3 Phos, 4 SEL, 1 Sep, 1 Spong, 3 Stann, 1 Wye,

It is, however, worthwhile to remember that self-medication is not recommended.

The remedy abbreviations with

  • 4 marks- most effective,
  • 3 marks- quite effective,
  • 2 marks- less effective,
  • 1 mark- least effective.