Back pain is a symptom of a medical condition, and not a diagnosis. It is ache, pain, tension that affects the muscles or bones of the back from the base of the neck to the hips.

Low Backache (also called as 'Lumbago') ranks at top for being the most common reason of backache. It is a leading contributor to missed work. It is because the lower part of the back bears the weight of your upper body and the weight you are carrying. It also twists and bends more than the upper back.
Sciatica is a common type of pain affecting the nerve, usually affects only one side of the lower body. Sciatic nerve is a large nerve extending from the lower back down the back of each leg and its affection is quite a common cause for backache.
If you are an adult aged between 35 and 55 years, you are more prone to suffer from backache due to the aging process.
Today's modern lifestyles with too little or too much exercise, sedentary work life are dominant contributors for backache.
Most of the time the cause of backache is physical, but you should be aware that emotional stress can affect the severity of the pain. Stress causes the back muscles to become tense and painful.
Acute or short-term backache usually lasts from a few days to a few weeks. Most acute backache is mechanical in nature, the result of trauma to the lower back or arthritis.
Chronic backache means frequent or daily pain which can interfere with your life. It can limit your activities and ability to work. It is often progressive and usually the cause is difficult to determine.
Pregnant females also suffer from low backache since the ligaments in the body naturally become softer and stretch to prepare for labour. This can put a strain on the joints of lower back and pelvis.
Children and teenagers also suffer from low backache these days due to the number of hours per week they spend in front of the TV or doing computer work, sitting posture, slouching or low levels of physical activity results in decreased muscle endurance.
Click to read on Causes of BACKPAIN
- Persistent pain and stiffness anywhere from your base of neck to the tail bone.
- Shooting, stabbing pain
- Chronic backache after sitting or standing for long hours
- Backache that radiates from the low back to the buttock, down the back of the thigh, and into the calf and toes
- Difficult to stand straight without having pain or muscle spasms in the lower back
Know more about Symptoms of BackPain.
If your back pain has lasted for few days and is not improving, it can lead to:
- Disability
- Slipped disc
- Depression
- Weight gain
Any prolonged pain, burning, tingling, numbness, loss of bowel or urine function should always be considered seriously.
Symptoms are the language in which the disturbing forces, which we know as diseases, speak to us. Homeopathic doctor takes into account these symptoms of backache and administers a remedy which will remove the symptoms and thereby relieving your agonizing pain.
The action of homeopathic remedies is essentially gentle, unlike conventional medicines which possess many side-effects and are palliative.
The working of a homeopathic remedy is like the working of nature itself, it relieves the patient from the sufferings and helps the return to health in treatment for back pain.
Homeopathic treatment for back pain induces the healing force to bring about a healthy and natural long lasting relief to the individual.
Arnica: Helps any type of backache that comes on after a back injury or overexertion. The pain gets worse with motion. The pain improves when the person lies down and rests.
Ledum: Useful when the person experiences stiffness in the back, especially after sitting still for a long time. Back pain becomes worse at night.
Mag phos: Helps sharp pains in the back that get better from warmth and pressure.
Rhus tox: Pain that come on beginning of a motion but gets better with continual motion. Pain feels as if the back is broken.