Homeopathic treatment for menopause is exemplary in treating both emotional and physical complaints.
- Since each woman experience and perceives her Menopause differently, Homeopathy's individualistic treatment is most apt for them. Homeopathic treatment is constitutional and customised to each person and hence it stands out.
- Homeopathy has a large group of medicines for that difficult perimenopausal period that every woman is scared of.
- Conventional medicines have its own limitation in treatment of Menopausal problems. The use of HRT is dangerous; since it is linked with increased chances of breast and endometrial cancers. Conventional medicines are symptom specific and suppress the condition. Hence the problems return again and again.
- While Homeopathy is holistic, constitutional and do not believe in suppression or palliation.
- These qualities of Homeopathic medicines help in preventing the relapse of the condition & providing long lasting relief. Homeopathy targets the underlying cause, eliminates it from roots by acting on constitutional make up of patient.
- Homeopathic treatment for menopause is capable of covering all the manifestations of perimenopause, menopause and post menopause effectively and efficiently.
- Homeopathic treatment for MENOPAUSAL PROBLEMS is natural, safe and without any side-effects, and one can enjoy immense relief from these frustrating symptoms.
- It is a patient-oriented science and medicines are prescribed on the characteristics of the individual rather than just the symptoms of the disease.
Few of our amazing remedies in Homeopathic treatment of MENOPAUSE & ITS PROBLEMS include:
- GRAPHITES : Exquisite medicine for females who are near to menopause and have developed strong aversion to sex. Swollen painful breasts. Late menses with tendency to constipation. Suits chilly, pale and sluggish women. Associated skin problems are also excellently dealt with this medicine.
- NATRUM MURIATICUM : Helpful for women who are reserved by nature, in their change of life. Tendency to brood over past is present. Introverted and has aversion to consolation. Irregular periods with backache and migraines. Craving for salt and bread. Complaints from sun heat.
- BELLADONA : Exceptional remedy for dryness and heat of vagina in post menopausal women who have aversion to water. Profuse and increased menses before menopause sets in. Good for pain and heaviness in breasts. Also for violent heart palpitations and gum problems.
- GLONOINUM : Magnificent remedy for climacteric flushing with cessation of menses and congestion to head.
- CALCAREA CARBONICA : Wonderful medicine for hot flushes and excessive sweating with perspiration around head. Feeling of undue fatigue and chilliness. Craving for eggs. For tender & swollen breasts.
1 Absin, 1 Acon, 1 Aesc, 2 Agar, 1 Alet, 1 Aloe, 1 Alum, 3 Aml-n, 1 Anan, 1 Apis, 1 Apoc, 1 Aquil, 1 Arg-m, 2 Arg-n, 1 Arist-cl, 1 Aur, 1 Aur-m, 2 Bar-c, 2 Bell, 2 Bell-p, 2 Berb, 1 Bor-ac, 1 Bov, 2 Bry, 2 Cact, 3 Calc, 2 Calc-ar, 1 Camph, 1 Caps, 1 Carb-ac, 1 Carb-an, 1 Carb-v, 1 Carc, 1 Card-m, 2 Caul, 1 Chen-a, 2 Chin, 4 CIMIC, 2 Cocc, 1 Coff, 2 Con, 1 Cot, 2 Croc, 3 Crot-c, 2 Crot-h, 2 Cycl, 1 Cyt-l, 1 Dig, 2 Eucal, 1 Ferr, 1 Ferr-i, 1 Ferr-p, 1 Foll, 2 Gels, 2 Glon, 3 Graph, 2 Helon, 1 Hir, 2 Hydr, 1 Hydr-ac, 2 Ign, 2 Jab, 2 Kali-bi, 1 Kali-br, 2 Kali-c, 2 Kali-s, 2 Kreos, 4 LACH, 1 Laur, 1 Led, 1 Lil-t, 1 Lyc, 1 M-p-a, 1 Mag-c, 1 Magn-gl, 2 Manc, 1 Mand, 3 Mang, 1 Med, 1 Meli, 1 Merc, 1 Merc-s, 1 Mosch, 3 Murx, 1 Nat-m, 1 Nicc-s, 1 Nit-ac, 2 Nux-m, 2 Nux-v, 1 Ol-an, 1 Onos, 1 Orch, 2 Ov, 2 Ph-ac, 2 Phos, 1 Phys, 1 Piloc, 2 Plat, 1 Plb, 1 Polyg, 1 Prun, 3 Psor, 3 Puls, 1 Rhus-t, 3 Sabin, 1 Sal-ac, 2 Sang, 1 Sanguis, 1 Sarr, 1 Sars, 2 Sec, 2 Sel, 1 Semp, 1 Senec, 4 SEP, 2 Stront-c, 1 Stront-n, 2 Sul-ac, 3 Sulph, 1 Sumb, 2 Tab, 1 Tarent, 1 Tell, 2 Ter, 2 Ther, 1 Thlaspi, 1 Thuj, 1 Trif-r, 1 Tril, 2 Ust, 2 Valer, 2 Verat, 1 Vinc, 1 Vip, 1 Visc, 1 X-ray, 1 Xan, 1 Zinc, 2 Zinc-val
Anac, 2 Arg-m, 1 Arg-n, 1 Arist-cl, 2 Aur, 2 Aur-m, 1 Buth-aust, 2 Cimic, 2 Con, 1 Helon, 1 Hydro-c, 1 Ign, 2 Kali-br, 1 Lac-c, 3 Lach, 1 Lil-t, 1 Magn-gr, 1 Manc, 1 Nat-m, 1 Penic, 2 Psor, 1 Puls, 3 Sep, 3 Sulph , 2 Tab, 1 Thyr, 1 Valer, 2 Verat, 1 Zinc, 1 Zinc-val
The remedy abbreviations with
- 4 marks- most effective,
- 3 marks- quite effective,
- 2 marks- less effective,
- 1 mark- least effective.